Jack Cassidy Twin Cities Soulful Singing Star

Jack CassidyI was first introduced to Jack Cassidy by my good friends and associates from Stars2come.com, and Theskykid.com.

Jack’s interpretation of the song “The More I Seek You” written by Zach Neese not only caught my attention but immediately inspired me catching me up in rapturous praise!  Singing like this not only lifts your spirit, but feeds your soul and this boy had accomplished both through this one video performance.

I have always been moved by worship music!  Not just good gospel, but songs that allow you to feel the anointing which is undoubtedly heaven sent to the original authors.  Jack not only sang this song with expression but you could feel a special anointing that was transmitting through him in this special and moving rendition.

Having my interest peeked even more about this young singer who so eloquently displayed a talent beyond his years, I was impressed to write his parents to find out more about Jack, his talent, aspirations and dreams for the future.

His parents shared with me that from the time Jack was born he was drawn to music.

“Any time we sang to him, he would turn toward our voices and became still and listened. When he was able to sit up, he would sway and bounce to the music playing on a video or the CD player.”

They also added that if the tempo or song changed, Jack would demonstrate perfect rhythm.

In my research over the years I have found that musical prodigies often come from families who have already shown previous musical abilities.  While it is not always the case that their birth parents show signs of musical ability, somewhere down through the gene pool this talent has been handed down.

YesterdayNot only can Jack sing spiritual songs but he really shows his ability to deliver on this classic balled by Paul McCartney “Yesterday”

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Daves Highway Spectacular Spiritual Singing Siblings!

Daves Highway ProfileErika          Zachary        Delaney

It’s been a little over two years since we have had the opportunity to feature Daves Highway here on Rivenmaster’s Place!

Their first appearance here was back in November of 2009 along with a very well received article published on The Skykid.com the following January which I entitled “Mississippi Music Magic.  Since that time, this Tremendous Trio has been spreading their musical magic worldwide and have amassed more than Forty One Thousand fans on their Facebook Fan Page alone!  This does not even begin to account for the thousands of fans who do not use Facebook!  They recently shared in a newsletter that their videos published by Godvine.com had been viewed nearly 2 Million times!

DH-AllThisTimeIn addition to this great success they also launched 2 CDs recorded in Nashville, their latest being their first full length CD entitled

All This Time” which has been Featured Here since it first released!

They have also made numerous Television appearances,  performed with famous musicians, and held many concerts across the U.S.

Commonly labeled as sibling internet sensations, Daves Highway is Delaney, Zachary, and Erika Daves from Jackson, MS.  The group has developed an authentic sound that includes a mix of gospel, country, folk and rock music.   And, they’ve enjoyed sharing their story and their lives with all who might listen.

We caught up with Daves Highway earlier this month and asked them about some of their thoughts and plans for the future.  The following is the results of that Q&A:

Daves Highway logo sm

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