Anthony Gargiula New York’s Rising Son

Anthony GSince first discovering the exceptional vocal talent of Anthony Gargiula of New York, I have been following his career with great interest.

I first saw him singing the National Anthem at the Belmont Stakes in 2008, where he captured the heart of America with his amazing performance!

He debuted on this site in July of 2010 and I authored an article on, just a few months later. That feature article included a personal interview which was also aired on Radio. You can still hear that interview using this archived page on Skykid’s site!

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Of course Anthony has since been featured in a couple of updates which covered his performance for the Nascar Sylvania 300 and his last update where I mentioned the release of his Amazing Debut CD “Finally Done”.



Anthony has amassed literally millions of fans which got a boost from his appearance on Ellen DeGeneres and his interviewing of the 2008 American Idol Contestants when he was only eight years old.

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Dima Borodin -New Music Video “Gone” Behind the Scenes!

Dima Bordin
Girls, "Click to enlarge"

For several years Dima Borodin has captured the attention of those living in his home country of  Ukraine, but now has expanded his fan base to many more from around the world.

This blog is continually getting requests for contact information about Dima, to find out more about this outstanding young performer/singer.

Only recently Dima debuted is new music video for his brand new hit single release “Gone”.  I am once again privileged to bring you all the information surrounding this video bringing you up to speed with Dima and with his management team, Stormbreaker, out of the UK.

His first video, which debuted on this site back in April, has already exceeded 100,000 views.  This is quite remarkable since this video only featured the audio for the song along with a picture.  With the music video still in the planning stages “Gone” has done remarkably well! This speaks very loudly about the quality of Dima’s vocal talent, in the fact that he is creating so much interest, not just from his fans, but many interested producers from around the world!

I asked Stormbreaker to provide some background to the video shoot so we could present you with a real (Behind the Scenes) look at Dima Borodin’s new music video “Gone”  But first here’s the new Video.  ENJOY!

Dima Borodin - New Video Gone
Watch Dima's Brand New Video

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