This past Wednesday we introduced for the very first time on this site Alexandru from Norway!
While we have already learned much about him and are excited about his new adventure in music, I thought it would be nice to ask him a few questions that would give us a personal inside look at just who Alexandru was and what he hopes to accomplish through his music.
I know you will enjoy this interview and please feel free to leave comments below so Alexandru can reply to you. I’m sure he will be glad to hear from all his new fans and friends!
Don’t miss the Sneak Peak Video for Alexandru’s Debut Single at the end of this interview. Click Continue Reading Below!
Rivenmaster: Â When did you first take an interest in music and when did you first realize you could sing?
Alexandru:Â Â Â Â Â Â Hmmmmm…before i could speak i loved music.. i would sing in the shopping mall at age one and a half i was told, and everyone was looking at me and smiling my 4 year old sister does the same he he he …
Rivenmaster:Â What do you like the most about living in Norway? Â The least?
Alexandru:      The thing I like best about living in Norway is the changing seasons, my favorite is the summer, lots of swimming, Bmx’ing and Skating .  There’s nothing I don’t like about living in Norway.
Rivenmaster:Â Â What type of music do you enjoy the most? Â (Pop, Rock, Rap, Classic, Hard Rock)
Alexandru: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I like hard rock a lot, but i also like many styles of music and try to learn from them all!
Rivenmaster:Â Â Who has been your biggest influence in music?

Alexandru: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Ohhhhhh…Ummmm… Bruno Mars is good, I like green day …oh many singers !
Rivenmaster:Â Â Do you have any favorite artists?
Alexandru: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Michael Jackson was amazing, and Bruno Mars is a great songwriter.
Rivenmaster:Â Â Do you play any musical instruments?
Alexandru: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Yes I play piano, guitar a little …ummm..drums, and I sing, that’s an instrument isn’t it?
Rivenmaster:Â Â What has been the most exciting thing that you have ever done in regards to performances?
Alexandru:       My favorite performance was at the National Center of Handwork.  I sang with 3 musicians , one on violin, one on piano, and one on guitar, it was a fun day and many of the crowd were singing that song long after the performance ha ha ha
Rivenmaster:Â Â Do you enjoy Drama or Acting? Â Have you been in any school plays?
Alexandru: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I like acting but in most plays I’m singing! I’d like to take some acting lessons maybe.. yes I’ve been in a couple of school plays.
Rivenmaster:Â Â What is your favorite subject in school?
Alexandru: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â My two favorite lessons are gymnastics and English..
Rivenmaster:Â Â Who would you say you listen to most on your mp3 player?
Alexandru: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Easy … Bruno Mars latest
Rivenmaster:Â Â Â What do you enjoy outside of music?
Alexandru:         Ummm  yeah I enjoy skateboarding Bmx’ing and Swimming… AND SNOWBOARDING OF COURSE!!
Rivenmaster:Â Â Do you play any sports?

Alexandru: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Yes , I play football, and winter skiing I ski.
Rivenmaster:   Favorite  Movies, Video Games, Food, Beverage,
Alexandru: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Favorite Movie : Home alone, Video Game : Call of Duty Black Ops, Â Favorite Food: Chicken, Â Beverage : Pepsi
Rivenmaster:Â Â What do your friends think of you traveling to London?
Alexandru: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â They say “That’s a Lucky Guy!” Â ha ha ha ha…
Rivenmaster:Â Â Â Did you enjoy your stay in England? Â What did you do there and what did you enjoy the most during your visit?
Alexandru: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Yes I enjoyed England very much! , Having fun like i was laughing a lot, there was a lot of things to see and look at in London, Â I recorded some songs in a music studio, made a couple of videos and had a photo shoot … and i think my English improved while I was there.
Rivenmaster:Â Â Â Have you done any other traveling?
Alexandru:         Ohhhh yes .. I’ve been in Spain and in Gran Canaria, Rhodes in Greece, and Bulgaria, Romania and Germany, Sweden and Denmark. .. and Austria .. and other places as well.
Rivenmaster:Â Â Â Do you have any pets? Â Siblings?
Alexandru: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I have no cats … but I want a dog, and I have one little sister, one half big sister and one half big brother.
Rivenmaster:Â Â What do you see yourself doing in 10 years from now?
Alexandru: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â When I’m 21 years old .. ha ha … ummmI don’t know yet..
Rivenmaster:Â Â If you could change one thing about the world what would you change?
Alexandru:        War.  I hate war!
To learn more about Alexandru visit:Â
Don’t forget to come back Tuesday, November 1st for Alexandru’s Full Music Video. His single is already available for purchase on and is scheduled for release to i-Tunes November 1st just in time for the Holidays!
Thanks for supporting Alexandru and please leave him comments below!
Hi Samantha,thanks for the comment,I allways try to do my best :-)Â
I love o holy night. You sing it very well. 🙂 Keep up the good work.
Thanks Ed for the nice comment 🙂
I just found Alexandru and wow, love that voice. Yes, I bought the single O Holy Night but I want a whole CD of his voice. I follow him on Twitter now so I can watch him get to be a top famous singer. Ed
Jemmamariebieber, Â
Thanks for your comment about Alexandru’s new single release! If you don’t want to wait for i-tunes you can purchase it now from using this link.Â
Thanks again for supporting Alexandru!
Yes O Holy Night is a nice song, i hope you like it all 🙂
First comment! wow i love o holy night and i love your version. im gonna buy it. i followed you on twitter too