Tallan Noble Latz on top of his game & Headed for Fame!

Tallan Noble Latz is most likely the youngest most talented blues guitarists in the world! Tallan only 10 years old is already a well known name among famous guitarists and has performed with some of the greats. This is one young man that has to be seen and heard to be believed!

WIStateFair1 8-09Of all the young artists that grace this site I believe Tallan Latz to be one of the most talented young showman that I have ever witness perform.  I think my being a native of the Upper Peninsula has also given me an overwhelming joy to know that this youngster with such outstanding talent was born and now resides close to where I use to live.

Talan’s last article appeared here on  February 19th announcing his winning of the WAMI Rising Star Award for 2010. Since that time, Tallan has been performing for a number of benefits for children with cancer, trying to raise awareness and money.  If you have not yet heard Tallan play and sing your in for a very special exclusive treat!!

** Listen now as Tallan perform his original hit: Journey Man!

Currently Tallan is getting ready for the summer festival season.  All his band members recently got back from college and they’ve been rehearsing and working out new material for the upcoming shows.  Tallan and the band will be performing all over the Midwest, for a complete schedule go to: www.tallanlatz.com.  There is also talk of a tour this year of Denmark and the Virgin Islands.   How exciting is that?????

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I recently was honored to interview Tallan for the very first time exclusively for this article and I’m proud to offer it here below:

Rivenmaster: Tallan you first took up music at about 3 years old.  What first interested you in music at that age and what is your earliest memory of playing music?

Tallan: I started playing a drum set my aunt bought me at 3.  I think I liked it because I was making noise and driving my parent’s nuts. Then I broke it a couple of days later and then I pulled out my mom’s pots and pans.  She didn’t like that so my parents bought me a better drum set. I then got a small guitar at age 4 and would play it for everyone that would listen. I got serious about guitar at age 5.

Rivenmaster: How did you discover that guitar was your instrument of choice and what other instruments do you play skillfully if any?

Tallan: I still play the drums and I’m starting to learn the Saxophone.  I fell in love with the guitar when I watched a Joe Satriani DVD and I told my dad, “That is what I’m going to do for a living”.  That was at age 5 and I’ve been learning the guitar ever since.

Rivenmaster: You have shared the stage with a host of famous guitarists in many locations across the USA. Which single event would you say was the most memorable?  With whom and why?

Tallan: My favorite place to play that meant the most to me is Alpine Valley.  It’s right by my house and that was where Stevie died.  I played the Sky is Cryin and I dedicated it to him.  I played there on my 8th birthday.  I played there with a local band called Hobie and the Leftovers.

Rivenmaster: Is there anyone that you have not played with that you would like to share the stage with?  Or is there someone that you would like to do a gig with again?

Tallan Noble Latz at BBKings Dec 09

Tallan: I would have loved to have played with Stevie but I know I can’t.  I would love to play with Clapton or Satriani, which would be a dream, comes true.  You know dreams do come true.

Rivenmaster: How many events do you do a year and how do you fit your school work into your busy schedule?

Tallan: I think this year we’ll do about 70 or so gigs during the year. My school work is important, I really enjoy school and when I’m gone, I get the make up work and I do it on the road.  I have to keep my grades up or I won’t be able to go and play around the country during the school year.

Rivenmaster: Who would you consider your favorite guitarists of all time and who would you say inspires you the most musically?

Tallan: Stevie Ray Vaughan is my favorite.  The musician that inspires me the most is Joe Satraini.

Rivenmaster: Did you find it difficult to learn how to play guitar or did it all come natural to you.  Do you take or have you taken any professional lessons?

Tallan: I work hard at the guitar.  I practice at least 2 hours everyday. I have taken lesson and when I first started at age 5. I was going to 3 instructors a week.  Right now I’m in between instructors.

Rivenmaster: Do you know any other young guitarists like Grant Austin Taylor?  Do you stay in touch with any other aspiring young guitarists like yourself?

Tallan: I know Grant and he’s really cool.  I have some friends that play guitar that I stay in touch with from time to time.

Rivenmaster: You have a considerable following on My-Space, You-Tube, Face-Book, & Twitter… Which means of communication do you use the most to communicate with your fans?

Tallan Noble Latz

Tallan: I appreciate everyone that follows me on there.  The best way right now is probably Myspace and Facebook.  The links are www.tallanlatz.com and www.tallanlatz1.com

Rivenmaster: Back in 2008 there was quite a controversy concerning Wisconsin Laws which surrounded your ability to play in bars or establishments that served alcohol due to your young age.  What has happened since that time and were you able to speak out personally to any government official about it?

Tallan: The law is still on the books and a few months ago, me and my dad did get to talk in front of a committee of Senators and we’re currently working towards making the law work for everyone.  This law is just not about me it’s about all young musicians in the state of WI.

Rivenmaster: Do you still work with Vision Management?  Are they the ones that should be contacted to set up any performance engagements for you or is there another contact that should be used?

Tallan: We haven’t worked with Vision Management for a long time now, so they aren’t the ones to contact.  We have formed our own management company called T-Man Entertainment.  Anyone that wants to set up a gig,  they can contact us at 262-745-7969, that’s my dad’s cell or you can email him at carl@tallanlatz.com

Rivenmaster: I know you have a demo CD but can we look for a full CD release in the near future?

Tallan: We’re writing new songs all the time and hopefully we’ll have a CD out later this year.

Tallan will be super busy this summer so be sure to catch one of his performances.  You will also be interested to know that his dad just informed me that they will be making a really cool announcement in a month or two about something they are working on that they will be taking all over the country.

** In the mean time treat yourself to one more of Tallan’s original songs: : Slippin-Away!

“Big things are happening all the time so be sure to check Tallan’s website often as they are always adding new things for the fans.  Of assurity, Tallan Noble Latz is one 10 year old that is years ahead of his time in talent and definitely on top of his game & headed for fame!”

2 thoughts on “Tallan Noble Latz on top of his game & Headed for Fame!”

  1. Thanks for your comments! Yes Tallan is simply amazing! I will be so close to his home town this weekend while I'm in Wisconsin. However he is playing a gig in Round Lake Beach, Illinois Just my luck! I'm sure that some day we will get to see him perform in person and that will truly be a special day for me! Thanks again for your comments here and your continued friendship and help promoting all the youngsters that grace this blog! Your a great friend Skykid!

  2. I do remember how excited was Rivenmaster about the article and the interview with Tallan Noble Latz. He kept saying ” You would not believe how talented that kid is ” and ” He is going to make it big – you just watch”. Having read the interview I am starting to share some of his excitement. I also remember reactions of the people in the chat room during the live show at the skykid.com radio when we played Journey Man! – people writing ” Oh man that`s what is all about ” and myself being an untypical radio host pretending to play a guitar and rock to his music while listening to his rocky vibes. His guitar skills are nothing less than perfect Bravo Tallan and Bravo Rod for such an amazing interview.

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