“The Capp Kids” Extraordinarily Creative and Talented Entertainers

CappKids_Natasha_Steven_Raffaela Profile
CappKids Natasha, Steven & Raffaela

One of the most enjoyable parts of running this website is the opportunity to introduce talented sibling groups. Today we are honored to bring to you three truly talented siblings, each with their own unique set of talents.

Their mother Maria shared with me that “The Capp Kids” have been surrounded by music and performance their entire lives.” Their mother is an acting coach and their father writes television and radio commercials for advertising. Their grandmother was a staple in the long island community and regional theatre for over 30 years. Additionally, their aunts and cousins also still currently act and perform in the theatre community back east. For the last 5 years all three of the Capp kids have taken their craft to a professional level auditioning and working in both New York and Los Angeles.

Steven Capp
Steven Capp

The youngest of the siblings, Steven Thomas’ is now a 6th grade middle school student.

Steven was literally born into acting and the world of performing arts. He was a mere 8 months old sitting, listening and watching while his two sisters, Raffaela and Natasha were on stage performing as Royal Princesses in The King & I and his mom Maria who owns an acting studio (Maria Capp Acting Studio), was choreographer of this huge musical production. Steven tagged along to all rehearsals and acting classes of not only the King & I but also to a number of other shows that his sisters and mom were involved with. Steven was able to attend acting classes that his mom taught until his first theatrical debut in the musical “Footloose”, followed by his first television show, “Haunting Evidence” at the age of only 5.

Early on Steven expressed interest in improvisation, comedy and theatre and went on to perform on stage and on camera in local commercials and theatrical productions while living on Long Island NY. When he lived in NYC, his efforts were focused mainly on film. Steven was fortunate to land lead and supporting roles in many NYU and Columbia Graduate films. He auditioned for one director of the MFA program of each school and was then referred to many of the other graduate classmates. This gave him the confidence and ease of working with adults, in front of the camera, and technical crews. Consistently Steven received praise and validation for his wit and mature demeanor while on set. Excited with the opportunities and adventure that lie ahead and nervous about everything being new, Steven’s feelings about the family move to Los Angeles was with trepidation as he was leaving behind the only home he knew on Sayville, LI and in Manhattan and all his friends and family!

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Rhys Yeomans – England’s Electrifying Excellent Entertainer!

Rhys Yeomans
Rhys Yeomans

Today, I am overjoyed to bring you one of England’s most talented young stage performers and future singing sensation Rhys Yeomans!

Thirteen year old Rhys Yeomans started with Stage Coach at the age of 9 and then went on to train at Center Pointe, (both in England). There he learned all aspects of jazz, tap, modern and contemporary dance, but, in particular, focused on ballet and he soon started to win many local dance competitions.

In September 2009, after two years of training, Rhys was offered the part of “Billy” in Billy Elliot the Musical in September 2009 and then moved to London from Manchester to rehearse for the show.
Rhys played the part of “Billy” at the Victoria Palace in London’s West End until April 2011 and loved every minute of it.  He logged in over 100 performances.

Rhys danced the Finale at the London production’s 5th birthday and was voted the best Billy to perform on 29th March 2010.

Immediately following his run with Billy Elliot, Rhys began recording tracks with multi-Grammy award winning British record producer Kipper.  Kipper is best known for producing iconic recording artist Sting.

Rhys now has theatrical representation in both the UK and the United States.  He plans to continue with his acting, hoping to start working in film and television.

Not only is Rhys an outstanding stage performer, but also a delightful young man with personality personified! I asked Rhys to introduce himself to all of you through this video and the written interview that follows.  I know that you will be charmed by this special exclusive introduction, and encourage you to find out more about him by visiting his YouTube Site.

rhys yeomans intro vid


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