Rivenmaster Passing The Torch

 passing the torch

Rod Johnson aka Rivenmaster
Rod Johnson aka Rivenmaster

It’s been nearly six years that Rod Johnson aka Rivenmaster has been promoting young talent on this website and during this time the site has grown exponentially. Over 130 young artists have graced the pages here some being featured on a variety of occasions and numerous times. 

During this time period Rivenmaster’s Place has reached every habitable continent and provided opportunities for young musical prodigies to be featured for the very first time on a platform extending into the entertainment industry. In addition to helping introduce these talented youngsters to other talent scouts and producers, the site has also been instrumental in recommending some of these musical prodigies for scholarships and helped put them in contact with both television and radio producers. 

Author and owner Rod Johnson, aka Rivenmaster has decided to step down from the ownership of Rivenmaster’s Place and will soon be passing all ownership and managerial rights to Matthew Todd, an exceptionally qualified and dedicated young professional author, teacher, and vocal artist. 

While Rod plans to stay on as an author and will still submit occasional publications, the sole responsibility and all managerial duties will belong to the new owner, Author Matthew Todd. 

“I’m very excited about this”, said Rod Johnson. “Rivenmaster’s Place has needed an infusion of new blood with fresh ideas and the time and energy to take it to the next level. We need a new look with a new platform that can reach all forms of new technology. For the longest time we have needed to change the site so it will work better on Smart Phones and Tablets in addition to still function well on laptops, and desktop computers. Matthew Todd is not only a proven author with the ability to inspire youth in music as a teacher, but already has a team to help him accomplish many of the things that I have been desiring to do with the site for some time. I’m very anxious to see what they have in store for the future of this website.” 

While all the plans are not yet ready to announce, over the next month or so Matthew will begin announcing a name change and start revealing some of his vision for the future of the site. 

You should not be alarmed with any of this as the site is only going to become bigger and better than ever with all of the past articles following the move to its new location on the web. Eventually, the site will have a new layout and possess the potential to reach more readers and subscribers than ever before. 

You can still follow Rod on:


About the New Owner/Author 

Matthew Todd Whtbg300
Matthew Todd


Matthew Todd was born in Scotland in 1988 into a large musical family. He has been performing and singing for as long as he can remember, along with his four brothers and two sisters. Music was always an escape and a passion in the Todd family but Matthew knew that, for him, it was going to be even more important.  

Growing up in the remote Highlands of Scotland, it was a real challenge to gain the essential foundation and experience for a career in music. Throughout his school career, Matthew was systematically bullied and discouraged and music became an invaluable solace through this difficult time. However, he persevered with his dream and, after completing his vocal studies at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Matthew began a varied and exciting musical career as a tenor soloist, choral conductor, composer, community musician, teacher and music therapist. 

Due to his own childhood, Matthew has a deep concern for young people and their struggles and challenges. Drawing from his own experience and extensive voluntary youth work, Matthew has created many pieces of art and literature with a particular emphasis on the power of children to make a difference to the world. These include an historical novel for children – ‘For the King’ – numerous songs, poems and short stories, and a choral drama – ‘Such is the Kingdom’ – which was premiered in Glasgow Cathedral in 2013. More recently, he has been involved in the production and scoring of films through ‘Fellowship Film’, a small film company which he co-manages with two of his brothers and two of his cousins. 

It has been a delight for Matthew to introduce and manage the Gaitway Brothers. After a tragic event in the boys’ lives, Matthew saw their musical and acting potential and began mentoring the twins when they were just 10 years old. Now, the boys have about a dozen music videos (including the award-winning ‘Còmhla Riut-sa’), an album, many single tracks and thousands of fans. Their acting and vocals also feature in a ‘Fellowship Film’ production: ‘The Fable of Forsaken’. 

It is Matthew’s passion to help as many young people as possible achieve their dreams and to encourage them to make a difference to the world.      




More about Matthew Todd
New Owner/Admin of Rivenmaster.com: 

Happy 2015 from Rivenmaster!

 2015 NewYear


Every year I like to take this time to thank everyone for their faithfulness and support not only to this website but to the young artists who are represented here.  Like last year many new artists were introduced here for the first time which now brings this site close to 150 young artists who have been featured here at one time or another since September 2009. While many continue to come back year after year some have moved on to even bigger and better things and have already outgrown this website. Some have been signed to producers and new management and working on new CD projects in amazing recording studios with professional backing and support. For those who have moved on to the next step in their musical career we salute you and offer our greatest wish for good success in the coming year.

For those who continue on as an Indi Artist or are still progressing and polishing your talent, we praise you for your effort and sacrifice and offer you our continued support and encouragement.

That being said, we thought it might be fun to bring you just a few interesting things about the site that we only share at this time of the year.


The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. Rivenmaster’s Place had over 70,000 visitors in 2014. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 3 days for that many people to see it. The busiest day of the year was January 17th with 671 views. The most popular post that day was Alec in WILDerland – Trust Your Wild Side.  This year readers came from 174 different countries with the most visitors comign from The United States, with Germany & U.K. not far behind. 

Here are the Top 5 Most Popular Posts last year. (This may surprise you because some were published in previous years but are still holding much interest)

While every article and new young artist that is introduced here has merit I think we need to pay our respect to these young artists who have captured the largest number of fan visits, reads, and shares in 2014.

Alec Fischer
Alec Fischer


Alec J Fischer continues to be one of the brightest and best young videographers and youngest film/TV show producers I have ever met.  His latest “Alec in WILDerland” full feature YouTube segments were both enlightening and educational and I can’t tell you how much I have learned from watching his shows.  I salute you Alec for not only taking the First Place Award, but for your endurance, strength, creativity, stamina, and courage to do something nobody your age has ever done before.  You are a true artist and champion!

Here are his Latest Two Segments entitled “Across America”:





Uriah Shelton
Uriah Shelton

Uriah Shelton while never actually having his own personal feature article here was featured in a film review I did for his roll as Henry Matthews in the Feature Film entitled “Lifted”.  While this film actually dates his career back to 2010 when he was but 13 years of age his singing and personality was captured in such a way with this movie that fans will just not let it go! 

Uriah continues to prove his singing ability and has release a few music videos on YouTube and has been very active with his Television acting career.  He did 26 episodes  as “Jeff Cargill” in A&E’s “The Glades“, in addition to other television performances. He is currently playing the roll of Joshua Matthews on Disney’s “Girl Meets World” and as Josh on Wig’s “Blue” which will be moving from YouTube to Wigs own website and also be aired on Hulu and Fox.com.

Here are his two latest Original Hit music videos from his YouTube Channel.

Uriah Shelton Anything for You

Uriah Shelton I Wanna Live Like That



Carson Lueders
Carson Lueders

Carson Lueders had only just begun his musical career when he first appeared here on Rivenmaster’s Place.  Since that time he has grown exponentially both physically and as a music pop idol.  This site is accustomed to having young aspiring actors and singers move on to bigger things, but Carson Lueders exploded onto the scene and now has Millions of fans from all over the world!  You could say he is one of, if not the hottest young YouTube artists to break out this past year. Carson has been walking red carpets, making appearances in Teen Magazines, and hanging with some of the most popular young singers currently in the business. 

In fact. this past year I have not even been able to pin him or his new management down for an article.  Regardless of that, over the past two years, Carson has brought more views and readers to this site than any other single young artist featured here.  CONGRATULATIONS CARSON!

Here are Carson’s Last Two Music Video Offerings:

Carson Lueders ft. Jordyn Jones

Carson Lueders Shake It Off




Abraham Mateo
Abraham Mateo

Abraham Mateo first appeared here on Rivenmaster’s Place nearly 3 years ago but still continues to pull in a great following of readers and fans. Abraham now 16 years old is the hottest young artist on Sony Music Spain.  Abraham still holds the record for the number of visits for a debut article here which exceeded 900 views in one day. We have not enjoyed that kind of traffic since, although Daves Highway came in a close second with over 600.  Abraham’s looks and vocal talent has elevated him to a level of world stardom that is not enjoyed by everyone.  He is truly a special young man with an extraordinary talent, and you can be sure he will be around for years to come!

Abraham just released his new album titled “Who I Am” this past November. While I personally wish Abraham would create an album with more songs in English apparently Sony Spain is happy with the way things are.  Regardless, I especially enjoy the Spanish flare in his music which adds that special touch that no other form or genre of music can.  Congrats and Happy New Year Abraham!

Here are Abrahams latest Music Video for his song :

Abraham Mateo All the Girls (La La La)

 Abraham also has a brand new site dedicated to his new project “Who I Am The FILM”  CHECK IT OUT!


Sebastian Urdiales
Sebastian Urdiales


Sebastian Urdiales is the newest little star featured here on Rivenmaster’s Place.  He had an explosive article here which brought in visitors from every corner of the globe. He not only is an outstanding vocalist but a great performer and dancer as well as actor.  Even though very young in his career, he is already starting to make big waves in the media with his new covers and duets getting shared by some major promotional players on the web.  While he has yet to have a professional Music Video created for him he has many videos on his YouTube Channel that demonstrates his amazing vocal and performing talent.

Congratulations Sebastian for all your recent success and for expanding your fan base this past year!  Best of Success in 2015.

Sebastian just shared his latest duet recorded with Sarah Silva entitled “Confieso”.

Sebastian Urdiales Confieso




I’m not sure what the new year will bring by way of new talent but you can be sure this site will be on top of it offering all the help we can to promote and spread the word about them.

To all these amazingly beautiful and talented young performers I wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and to all the great supporters of this site I offer my sincere thanks and cordial wishes for a prosperous and healthy 2015!

I also want to remind you that none of this could be possible without your continued support of this website.

During the months of January – March we again start up our campaign to raise funds to help with the continued free support, advise, advertisement, free publicity, and even some web creations for many of these youngsters.  This site continues to support through donations and the purchase of these struggling young musicians, dancers, vocalists, and actors CD’s and Film projects.  The only way we can do this is with your help!

We hope you will join again with us through your generous donations by either using the drive link on the top right of this website or:





God bless all of you and once again HAPPY 2015!

