Gaitway Brothers – an inspiring true story

Gaitway-Brothers-before-and-afterLife is full of tragic and touching stories. Peter and Steven Gait – the Scottish twin singers better known as the Gaitway Brothers – have just turned 15-years-old. At this time of year, we often find ourselves looking back with amazement at how much we have achieved and with nostalgia at how much has changed.

It has been my privilege to work with the boys since they were 10-years-old and to share, not only in their musical journey, but also in that dangerous adventure that every adolescent boy must take: their journey to manhood.  


Though every boy must rise to this challenge, it cannot be overstated how difficult if can be. The Gaitway Brothers are no stranger to tragedy and perhaps this gives some of their music it’s unique pathos which fans often describe. I asked Steven and Peter to share personally a little about themselves:


Gaitway-Brothers-StevenI was born in Scotland and I live Helensburgh. A lot of our songs are old traditional music and it’s written by Matthew or people we work with. 

A big struggle for me was my Dad passed away when I was 9. My Papa and Nana give me the strength to persevere because they are really supportive of me. 

My advice to other young people trying to succeed in music is try hard, don’t give up don’t listen to all the people that make fun of you or say you can’t do it. 

Please keep supporting us b sharing our videos and tell people to ‘like’ us, follow us etc. Thank you so much for all you do. I want to give special thanks to Matthew Todd, Phil Todd, Nathan my Papa, Mum and Nana”




I was born in the Vale of Leven in Alexandria which is in in Scotland and I live in Helensburgh. My biggest musical inspiration is Matthew Todd, our manager and our friend.

We sing lots of traditional Scottish music and have other songs about God. Some of the songs we have sung are written by Matthew Todd and we do covers of other songs like ‘Human’ by the Killers.

Our Dad passed away when we were 9. It was hard and was a dark time for me. My Nana and Papa help me carry on because they encourage me and are very supportive, and my Mum as well.

My ambition is to learn Japanese and to achieve higher in all the subjects I choose at school and advance higher in some too.  I want to go to university and go to Japan and go to the Pokémon store and theme park.

My advice to other young people would be to try as hard as possible, believe in yourself and stick to it and practice.

Please keep on watching our music videos on youtube and subscribe to us and go to our website

A special thank you to Matthew Todd, Phillip Todd, Nathan Todd, Mum, Nana, Papa and all our fans and the people who have helped in our music videos.

Keep following us :)”


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The Fandinos: Talented Twins with Heart

“Our generation is the future and we think giving back is what it’s all about”       The Fandinos

The Fandinos

The Fandinos   Nolan & Jacob

The Fandinos are an up and coming musical duo who love to perform and have a heart for using their gifts to inspire others. Nolan, the drummer and Jacob, the singer and guitarist were born in Chapel Hill, North Carolina in December 2002 and live in Elon, North Carolina. Both Nolan and Jacob are multi instrumentalists and play guitar, piano, drums and both of the boys sing too.
“We started out by playing around with our father’s musical instruments. After practicing for a couple of months we entered our 3rd Grade Talent Show and played Twist and Shout and were hooked on The Beatles. We placed 2nd and then won first place the next two years.”
The first song I heard by the Fandinos was a cover of ‘Hello’, by SugarBomb. I quickly became hooked! Sibling groups have a special significance to me but I also loved Nolan and Jacob’s fresh sound and youthful exuberance. I can honestly say I listened to ‘Hello’ on loop for most of a day and liked it more each time!
“Some of our musical influences as we began our journey were our father and the Beatles. Our music has been a combination of cover songs and originals. We tend to lean toward upbeat melodic pop and rock songs that are heavy on melody and rhythms. We are working on some original songs too. When we write will usually come up with a melody or a chord pattern first. On the creative side it is fun writing hooks for the songs. We like a variety of music from pop and rock to jazz and R&B.
We try and play live every month or so when possible. Locally we’ve played benefit concerts for Relay for Life as well as The Humane  Society.
One of our biggest challenges with our music is limited time. We try to get our school work done as early as possible in order to make time for our music which is much more fun! We love to perform live so that is our main inspiration for playing. We have been surrounded by music and musical instruments since we were born. Our fans are great too and that keeps us going strong! They are always so positive. We definitely want to have a career in music and  make our fans happy with it as well. Our greatest advice to other musicians is practice, practice, practice; enjoy what you do; and always keep learning.”

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