Sam Verlinden Belt’s it out of the Park!

Sam kicks rugby ball in park
Tommy the Musical” has been playing since last Wednesday evening with only 3 nights left.  Our inside reporter tells us that Sam really brought the house down in last nights performance.  His solo was not only moving but you could feel the anguish of  “Tommy” his character, crying out in the song.
There is no limit to what we will be seeing this young performer doing in the near future.  Sam’s convincing performance last night in Tommy, will soon attract the attention of one of the many watchful eyes that are upon him.
Today this blogger watched his first Rugby match! But not before I got some great information from Sam concerning his favorite sport.
When Sam is not singing and staring in a Musical, his favorite pastime is to play Rugby.  Sam plays rugby for Auckland Grammar Junior Rugby Club in the U11 team, but will be in U12 next year. He usually plays wing position but sometimes plays center. I also understand he played 2nd 5.  These positions are all backs.
I asked Sam what he liked best about the game and he responded saying;
Rugby is a fun contact sport, I like the team involvement and I like to win.
Halfback in rugby union is different to halfback in American Football, but I wouldn’t mind playing half back in American Football one day. Rugby is probably New Zealand’s number one loved sport. Our NZ All-Blacks are the number 2 team currently in the world – but they should be number 1.  Number 1 is South Africa and we can’t wait to beat them”.
Sam holding his rugby ball

Lookout south Africa if all New Zealand fans are like Sam Verlinden they will cheer their team to First Place.

I guess what makes Sam such an outstanding young man is his ability to achieve.  If he can bring home all the gold from from the World Performing Art Championship, I’m sure he will do the same for his rugby team, and someday even for the All Blacks.

Sam we look forward to the last 3 nights of Tommy to see you, hear you and feel your expression in your solo’s.