“It doesn’t matter how old you are, you can accomplish anything you want at any age!â€Â                  Brothers Dubé
New CD “One†Now Available on iTunes
This has already been a banner year for young Canadian artists to grace the pages of Rivenmaster’s Place. However, each week we seem to find yet one more amazing musical talent to bring your way.Â
In 2006, “Brothers Dubé†was heralded as “Canada’s Youngest Rock Bandâ€, whose band members at that time were only six, eight and ten years of age.  Comprised of three brothers, the band has won a number of competitions and been presented with many awards. The boys are not only known for their extreme musical talent, but also for their humanitarianism. They were presented with the CAYFO Youth Spirit Award for their contribution to Arts and Culture, and were recipients of an award from United Way for raising over $100,000 for various charities and nonprofit organizations.
While greatly inspired by their father’s musical talent, the boys were also thrust together as a true “Band of Brothers†attempting to lift their ill mother’s spirits as she struggled with Cancer. The boys would post some of their mother’s favorite songs on YouTube hoping to bring some extra joy during this difficult time. However, after the loss of their mother, instead of feeling sorry for their own loss, they began to look at the hurt and pain that others in the world were enduring. Since the earthquake in Haiti was a major event at the time, they made it their mission to do something more than be an observers. They started a campaign to help raise funds for the House of Hope Orphanage and Grace Children’s Hospital in Haiti. To the joy of these Haitian children, the boys fund raising efforts far surpassed their original goal of $50,000.
Since then the boys have been working on their music performing around the globe and recently released their new CD entitled “ONEâ€, which is sure to produce record sales. The band really brings it in this compilation of songs and I highly recommend it to you.
While many articles have been written about these amazing young artists, it was my desire to bring them to you in a different and special way. I asked each of them to write a little about themselves so you could meet them not just as an inspiring musical rock band, but as individuals.Â
The following is unedited, just as I received it. These boys rock not only with their music but as people helping people, and I’m proud to introduce each of them to you!

Liam Dubé:  “I’m Liam Dubé, a 15 year old Canadian and the guitarist of Brothers Dubé. Like my brothers, I was born in Ottawa, Ontario. I was born May 10th, 1997. Ever since I could remember, music has been a big part of my life. My dad had a big hand in what all of us (my brothers) listen to growing up. If we were not cranking tunes in the car on the way to one of my hockey tournaments then we were in the kitchen hitting pots and pans and using hockey stick as air guitars pretending we were playing Wembley stadium.
I played hockey from the age of 4 or 5 to about 11. It is without a doubt my favorite sport to play and watch. I played competitive so the entire family revolved around my hockey schedule. Therefore my brothers could not do anything they wanted to do. I dropped out for a year in grade 5 so the family could go skiing instead, but then I started to pick up guitar and I never really went back to playing hockey in a league. I still play once and awhile on the outdoor rink but not as much as I’d like to.

Although I played competitive hockey through grade school my dad always had musical instruments lying around the house. We would pick them up and make random noises trying to play but we never really took any of it seriously. When I dropped out of hockey I had so much free time that I started taking lessons. Initially I wanted to play drums but Quinn picked up the sticks and you could tell he was a natural so I went and stole the guitar off Jan. I remember my dad teaching me simple chords up at the cottage, but I passed his level a couple of years later.
If I remember correctly the first time I performed was with Jan and some of my friends at the talent show in elementary school in grade 6. It went well, although I wasn’t the best guitar player considering I was only on year one of playing guitar. That was the only show I did with that band and after that we all stopped playing.  .
The more we played the more my confidence grew. I never really got nervous though, I sometimes get anxious because I just want to get out there because I love being on stage.
I don’t do very much other than school and the band; I usually just do some homework, sometimes video games, play a bit of piano, and snowboard and skidoo during the winter. Â And I probably spend too much time on the Internet. I love eating; my favorites are Lebanese and Italian. Â While our family does not have television, I do occasionally watch Workaholics, Modern Family, Dexter and Family Guy.
 Brothers Dubé – Live at Old Town Hall
People often ask me what I listen to and I can never point my finger to one play. Growing up, my dad exposed us to just about everything; from Frank Sinatra to Motörhead to Phish.  My favorite bands are alternative and hard rock bands. It’s only recently where every individual in the family has started to like their own stuff. I love Big Wreck, Kings of Leon, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Foo Fighters. I mean the list is endless.â€

Jan Dubé: “My name is Jan Connor Dubé and I’m 13 years old. I was born on January 13th, 1999 in Ottawa ON. I now attend Garneau French Catholique High School in 8th grade. I play bass and lead vocals in the Brothers Dubé.
I was surrounded by music my whole life, as far as I know, I was rocking out to Zeppelin and Floyd before I could walk! On my 7th birthday, my parents gave me my first guitar. I then started taking music seriously. The first song I ever learned on the guitar was “Keep on Rocking in the Free World” by Neil Young. While other kids are learning Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, I was focusing on the greats and the classics.Â
- Jan Dubé Performing
On the singing side, I have been singing for a long time…well more like yelling the words to a song in any key I wanted. That was about 8 years ago. The first time I preformed in front of anyone was at a family gathering at my grandparent’s house.
I never really get nervous when it comes to performing; I guess I’m thankful for that considering the amount of times we have preformed.
I also play sports. I’m on the school basketball team and also track and field.
Whenever I have free time, I enjoy playing video games with my brothers. I also enjoy swimming in our lake at the cottage. The Cottage is my favorite place on earth; it’s an easy getaway from civilization and technology. It’s beside a little lake with no one in sight where I like to sit in a hammock and watch the sun set.â€Â    Â
             Haiti trip and message for schools (Bye – Brothers Dubé)
List of my favorite things include:
- Favorite movie: Talihina Sky
- Favorite TV show: Workaholics
- Favorite food: Chinese Food
- Favorite sport: Basketball
- Favorite artist: Kings of Leon
- Favorite book: Power of Now
- Favorite hobby: Basketball

 Quinn Dubé: “My name is Quinn Dubé and I am 12 years old and I am the drummer for the Brothers Dubé. I was born in Ottawa, Ontario on December 3rd in the year 2000. I go to Garneau high-school in Orleans, Ottawa. My favorite movie is Napoleon dynamite. My favorite meal is tacos with a big glass of iced Pepsi. My favorite TV show is workaholics and Dexter.  My favorite book is the Power of Now. I love playing hockey on the outdoor rinks and at school and my favorite bands are King of Leon and Pink Floyd.
Our mother passed away of breast cancer in 2008. We cheered her up by posting music videos on YouTube. And then we took the band seriously. We played a lot of festivals like Bluesfest, Tulip Fest etc…

The first time I sang a song in front of a crowd was when I was 8 years old. The first performance that I did was at a convention for breast cancer and my grandmother got the gig for us. The first time I played an instrument was 6 or 7 and I played the piano. I started playing the drums when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I took lessons for about 1 year. As I grew up I was getting better and now I am a good drummer recording our second album. I hope to keep doing this for many more years.â€
The boys continue to set big goals as a band and hope to accomplish a number of things during the next couple of years. Their desire is to finish their second album, spread into other countries and play a North American tour. They also hope to make their own studio to record their original material.
As a very long-term goal the band hopes to perform at Wembley Stadium. Â
             Brothers Dubé – I Kinda Like It – Official VideoÂ
 When asked about their upcoming album and their continuation with their mission work they shared the following.
The New Album: “We have just finished recording 13 brand new songs. We are planning on releasing these songs in 2 EPs (extended play). They will consist of both Pop and Rock style tracks. We’re writing more and more and discovering what we really like. Surprisingly, we like acoustic more than we thought… and that we’ve got this lighter acoustic side as well as this hard and heavy side…
As far as writing goes, we’re also realizing that you don’t always have to write these amazingly deep and meaningful songs like some of the music that inspires us… you can write something simple, that’s in your head… that comes from different sounds… one of those songs is called “How”. We’ve also been exploring with keyboards and synthesizers to create a more electric and digital sounding song. This will be demonstrated in “Will’s Song”. The EPs have no date to be released but by following our social media, you will be kept updated.â€
Our Mission Work: “Ever since the tragic Earthquake in Haiti, we have been raising funds for the cause. Over the past 3 years we have raised over 150,000$ for the orphans of the earthquake. We also traveled ourselves down to Haiti to see our funds in action. We filmed our path and then presented our work in schools around our community. We are proud of what we have done for Haiti and we will continue to invest our time in this project by performing in schools to get the message out.â€
Upcoming Shows: April 16th-18th 2013 Multi Cultural Arts for Schools and Communities
Judging from what I have witnessed and they have shown these boys will accomplish their dreams in short order. Regardless of whether you enjoy Rock Music you have to give these boys props for what they have already achieved. Brothers Dubé are not only an inspiration to other young people but to the adult world as well. They have shown what it is to be not only accomplished musicians, but as caring human beings who put other before themselves and their own accomplishments.
Nothing can stop this kind of attitude and zeal!
Congratulations boys this site is proud not only to feature you here but support you in your musical journey and the causes you represent.
To learn more about Brother Dubé visit: