Reed Deming Masterful Music Machine

Reed Deming Closeup

I was first introduced to Reed Deming by a very faithful subscriber to this site.  Anthony wrote me with much enthusiasm exclaiming how I really needed to check out Reed Deming’s YouTube Site. I take every recommendation very seriously when I receive one, and this has once again proven to be a good policy.  What I found was no ordinary twelve year old boy covering a Bruno Mars song while accompanying himself acoustically on his guitar.  It took me only moments to formulate a letter to his parents inviting him to appear on this site!

Reed Video 1

It could be said that Reed Deming has music in his DNA.  He is a true musician and loves performing, songwriting, playing guitar and saxophone and even more cerebral pursuits like music theory.  He has a passion and drive that are uncommon for his age.  In addition, he has a unique gift – perfect pitch.  Even his vocal coach who has worked with many famous pop and rock artists was stunned when she discovered that Reed could hit any note she named.   Reed would sing the note requested and she would play the note on the piano to confirm 100% accuracy every time!  This was so amazing, that a pilot for a reality TV show about pop stars shot a segment with Linda trying to outwit Reed with this game.  She couldn’t stump him.

His Mother shared one of her favorite stories about Reed:

“Reed was introduced to Josh Groban’s music by a family friend when he was about 5.  He loved his voice and the intense complexity of his music.  He also loved Frank Sinatra (I have no idea how he found his music).  Both were pretty surprising choices for a little boy.  One day I asked him which artist he like best and after considering the question seriously for a few seconds replied that he preferred Josh Groban.  When I asked him why, he said “Because Frank Sinatra’s voice is flat.”  He was 6!”

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Daniel Shaw Australia’s Busy Busker

Daniel Shaw in Melborne Early 2011

Daniel Shaw is quickly becoming known in Australia for being one of the busiest buskers’s in the country!  However, this past summer, Daniel has taken his talent worldwide on a Sizzling Summer Spectacular Tour.

Even before I introduce Daniel on this site last June, I had been following his career.  Daniel continues to amaze everyone with his new original songs and extremely well produced and creative videos.

Daniel Shaw
Daniel Shaw


Only now have things settled down long enough to bring you an update about Daniel’s amazing International Summer Tour.  This amazing adventure covered thousands of miles with Daniel performing and amassing many new fans in far reaching places. Traveling from his native Australia, to New Zealand, the US, Canada, then onward to Europe and back, Daniel demonstrated that he is more than just an Australian Busker but an International one.

This past week I asked Daniel to share some of the highlights of his tour with us. He graciously supplied me with the following.



Continue reading “Daniel Shaw Australia’s Busy Busker”