“Oliver” Auckland Musical Triumph!

Oliver 1
Although the musical “Oliver” has finally come to an end it will be forever captured in the heart of every performer, director, and theatre goer in Auckland. This by far was one of the most memorable Sky City Theatre events and can only be described as a Musical Triumph!
Sam and all the boys who played in the cast made memories and gained invaluable experience working with great directors, producers, and of course the fantastic Mark Hadlow! The best thing about this show was the fact that it didn’t Pick a Pocket or Two while at the same time made you Consider Yourself At Home! It was as if it was saying; “I’d do Anything For You”.

I personally was privileged to see this wonderful musical production in the States, and while different actors, producers and directors were involved, it made an everlasting impression on me.  I know that it will stay in my heart for a long time and that the voices of so many wonderfully talented treble singers will ring in my ears for many years to come!
The last night of the show was met with many a tearful eye from each of the cast.  There is just something to be said about the emotions that erupt within the heart of every actor when you know this is the last night.  New friendships that were made during this time end far too soon.  They wonder, “Will we ever meet them again or work with them in another production”?  “Will this be the last time I ever see this co-actor”?  And even though the body is tired and seeking rest there is a resounding cry that goes up by each performer “I wish this would never end!”
Yes “Oliver” has come to an end at the theatre but these are the memories that will keep it living on forever.  And I am so happy that I have captured them here for you to return to whenever your lonely for just one more,

Play it again Sam” !

Jordan Jansen Continues to Excell

Jordan is not only outrageously talented, but soon to be Australia’s new teen heart throb, with comments like “Your cute”, “Wow..this..is really sweet..♥“, streaming from his You Tube Videos.
However, his fan base does not just start and end with young pre-teen girls. Jordan has attracted the attention from many a talented musician, song writers, and even producers. This wide fan base has taken him to the top and even over the top at Soundcheck.com where he is in the 14th round of a song contest that will yield him 50,000 clams should he win.

Maybe I should say When He Wins!.
The contest commencement date is scheduled 25/January/2010 with the final round to finish on 1/February/2010.
He is currently holding a gigantic FIRST PLACE lead with his closest competitor over 2,000 votes behind. That’s right TWO THOUSAND VOTES!
Jordan in home recording studio

I have constantly affirmed since I began this blog that Jordan Jansen will be doing things of Super Star Status in the near future. You had better hold on to your seat, because this kid is taking no prisoners with his spirit of determination for success!

Jordan, we all take off our hats to you! Not just for the fine videos you place on You-Tube, but because we are all inspired by your never quit attitude. As they say; the proof is in the pudding, “Your really Cooking Son!”