Tallan Noble Latz is most likely the youngest most talented blues guitarists in the world! Tallan only 10 years old is already a well known name among famous guitarists and has performed with some of the greats. This is one young man that has to be seen and heard to be believed!
Of all the young artists that grace this site I believe Tallan Latz to be one of the most talented young showman that I have ever witness perform. I think my being a native of the Upper Peninsula has also given me an overwhelming joy to know that this youngster with such outstanding talent was born and now resides close to where I use to live.
Talan’s last article appeared here on February 19th announcing his winning of the WAMI Rising Star Award for 2010. Since that time, Tallan has been performing for a number of benefits for children with cancer, trying to raise awareness and money. If you have not yet heard Tallan play and sing your in for a very special exclusive treat!!
** Listen now as Tallan perform his original hit: Journey Man!
There is much excitement in the Jansen Camp this week as they prepare for the biggest adventure of Jordan Jansen’s lifetime to date!
There is much excitement in the Jansen Camp this week as they prepare for the biggest adventure of Jordan’s lifetime to date.
You may or may not know it yet, but Jordan Jansen was recently contacted by the L.A. based Management/Production company Electric Feel Management. (Genuine Music Group, LLC.)
In just less than a week, Jordan will be flown directly to L.A. to meet with the record producers in the studio to record his first internationally released single which I’m told will be released immediately to the public.  In addition to this major single release he will possibly be recording more original songs that will be later released.
The US is in for a real treat, not only to hear Jordan at his finest, but to be able to meet him in person! Jordan is now more than just a You-Tube sensation. He is the real deal!
Following his recording session, Jordan will be whisked away for some major meet and greets! Autograph signings, live performances, and giving some of Jordan’s US fans an opportunity to meet Jordan up close and personal.
The management team has not disclosed all of the things that Jordan will be doing or where he will be appearing as some of those details are still being worked out!
This week just before Jordan leaves for the US, Channel Nine’s Today’s Show team members will be pulling up in front of the Jansen home, flooding their living quarters with bright lights, reporters, and camera men! I’m sure if you live in Australia you will want to tune into this show as it will be his first major interview and official televised news release of this huge upcoming event in the USA.
A few months ago I had reported that Jordan was working on a CD and that “Hallelujah” would be one of the songs recorded. I’m sorry to say that that plan was unfortunately scrubbed when the new and better opportunity for Jordan came along! I am most disappointed about this but who knows, if his new management team likes it enough or thinks it to be marketable we may still get that wish! If not we still have his video which I still promote on this siteas one of my Jordan favorites!
There is so much more that I would like to share with you, but that must wait until after his US appearance and proper clearance from the powers that be have been granted!
I leave you today with this last interesting note!
If you have long been a Jordan Fan, and have been backing and cheering him on, then all your efforts are soon to be paid off. This little Aussi is about to be a BIG Australian Star who will be taking the USA by storm! So batten down the hatches, fasten your seatbelts, and get ready for the earth shaking Jordan Jansen quake that is about to hit CA. .
Here’s a new blog article about Jordan I just found have a look! Hollywoodlifecom