Singing Sam Santiago Sensational Seven Year Old!

Sam Santiago is not only unbelievably talented but has one of the most amazing vocal abilities that I have ever seen in a 7 year old boy!

Sam Santiago

Only a few days ago while visiting Facebook, I took notice of a post by Sam Verlinden of a young man that immediately captured my attention.

He is, seven year old Sam Santiago.  What really charmed me was his vocal quality along with his charismatic personality which really shined through while singing his song.  It took me only moments to publish his video to the video of the day list and contact his parents for an article.  I am delighted to introduce to you this young performer, who is not only well ahead of the game with his vocal talent but already a star performer who is becoming more and more in demand in both California and the Philippines.

Sam started singing when he was about four years old. His family moved to Corona from Mission Viejo when he first began to show an interest in music. Stuck in traffic with not much to entertain him but Mom, his brother, and the radio, led Sam to find his singing talent. Kelly Clarkson and her hit singles “Since You’ve Been Gone” and “Because of You” were his favorite songs. As he continued in his new found talent, Sam realized that Kelly was truly his idol at that time.

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Allan Clelland Goddard Moving to Sunshine State!

Allan has hit the ground running & released 2 new videos to YouTube in quick succession, ‘Viva La Vida’ and ‘Wav’in Flag’.

allan 2110It has been some time since we have written about Allan but I’m happy to report that all is well in Trinidad Tobago. While he has had no major singing competitions or performance events lately, this has not hampered his creative juices from flowing.  Allan is not only extremely talented and gifted with a beautiful singing voice, but he is also a very bright student. These past few months, Allan has been concentrating mostly on his schoolwork as he was placed in an accelerated class at school and had to complete 2 academic years in one. WOW!

If this is not amazing or challenging enough, he has been preparing for one of the most exciting moves of his lifetime. Next month Allan embarks on a new path in his life as he leaves Trinidad with his family to reside in their new home in Florida. While he has expressed sadness about leaving all his friends in Trinidad, he is extremely excited to start a new chapter in his life in America. He hopes the future holds good things for him and that he will be able to expand his singing and acting horizon.

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