TJ Prodigy a Rapper With a Message of Hope!

“My fans always know how to cheer me up and keep me going. It’s the strength from them, my team and from God that pushes and motivates me every day to keep going even when things get rough.”                                                                    TJ Prodigy

TJ Prodigy Profile 2014


Tj Prodigy USA Jacket
TJ Prodigy

TJ Lasinski or better known as TJ Prodigy made his debut on Rivenmaster’s Place back in March of 2012.  Now over a year later Tj has multiplied his fan base many times over and has brought his message of Love, Respect, and Tolerance around the country raising awareness about the problem of Bullying to a whole new level. 

I personally have never hidden the fact that Rap Music is not my favorite genre and while it does not play a major role in my music collection, I make the exception when it comes to TJ Prodigy.

TJ first caught my attention when I heard his song “We Stand” which was created with Tae Brooks and I knew then and there that this kid was going to go far.


Tj Prodigy New EP

While his YouTube Channel has been a little absent of new music videos lately there has been a whole lot going on behind the scenes of this exceptionally talented and busy young man. TJ has been working very hard with his team to bring new material to all of his fans.

In fact this was accomplished just a few weeks ago with the launch of his new EP entitled “ Flight” which created such a frenzy that his fans literally  took down his website with the boom of activity purchasing a signed physical copy of the new EP!



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Spencer Kane Reaching Teens Worldwide with Hope

“The music I write is usually inspired from things I observe at school or talk about with people.

Spencer Kane
Spencer Kane

 Thirteen is the age when most kids begin to see change in their own life as well as lives around them. For Spencer Kane, it was a critical year of change that involved his first public performance and making a commitment to stay pure until marriage.

For someone entering the dreaded middle school years, this was an extremely courageous public statement to make.

As an athlete in basketball and baseball, Spencer had always been one of the guys and held fast to his dream of playing college or pro sports some day. An honors student in school and a typical all-American boy next door, it would seem embracing his talent for music and commitment to avoid sexual activities until marriage would be honorable among his peers.

Wrong!  Instead, he became the target for serious bullying and ridicule for making both choices. As a typical jock, it isn’t the norm for a male athlete to pursue the arts like singing and acting. Add to that his choice to wait for his first kiss until the right girl, maybe even his future bride, well, that was simply too much oddity for middle school peers to handle.

After several attempts to resolve the consistent bullying flair ups, Spencer’s parents elected to move him on to another school district. This new school fully embraced Spencer’s talents as both an athlete and artist.

That was 2011. Today, 2013, Spencer is 16 and has come a long way since those times.

“When I look back, I still remember how it felt and how lonely it was. I won’t ever forget that season of my life and still experience some verbal bullying even today. I’m more able to handle it now than when I was 13. I think a lot of kids and teens aren’t as fortunate to have parents who they can openly talk to or don’t understand the help that comes from having a relationship with God to get you through”,

said Spencer at a recent speaking engagement with a local Rotary International meeting.

Having had this personal experience as well as listening to dozens of fans from around the world share their own stories has allowed Spencer to be inspired to write the songs on his latest CD, One of the Kind’ released February 1, 2013 on iTunes and many other online download retailers.

Be One Of  The Kind

“The music I write is usually inspired from things I observe at school or talk about with people. It helps me to want to write lyrics that share the issues most teens face today and hopefully give them a message of hope that things can get better”,

he added.

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