Sam Verlinden Debuts Original Song and Music Video “I Want Ya”

“I’m so ready for this – I feel like I’ve been ready for this for years.”

                                                                                                                       Sam Verlinden            

Sam Verlinden

Sam Verlinden StillOf all the artists that have graced this site, Sam Verlinden is one of the longest and most featured talents on Rivenmaster’s Place.  Sam’s first article ran on September 30, 2009, only a few weeks after the sites conception, and he shares the honor of being one of two artists who were featured nearly every day for an entire month. 

Sam Verlinden has always demonstrated a vocal talent that exceeds his years of experience.  He has amazed millions through his YouTube Site and excited audiences numbering in the thousands at outdoor concert events held in New Zealand.  While the ocean is the only thing that has kept him from a recent visit to the United States his fame has not been hindered, reaching across several continents resulting in an ever growing fan base.   

Sam Verlinden White HatSam’s last article published here was in 2011 not long after he performed at the legendary Parachute Festival on the Main stage. This performance really gave him a boost to his local fan numbers and set the stage for even bigger things.

Sam has never stopped working, performing and singing, and like most young singers grabs every opportunity to perform.  There was also the move to College, (High School in New Zealand), which tripled the amount of homework that goes with that territory, as well as his active involvement in rugby.  Saying Sam was busy would be an understatement when it comes to his everyday life activities.

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Max Bowker New UK Artist On The Rise


One of my greatest pleasures and honors is to introduce brand new talent to the world.  This blog is very proud to have featured a number of youngsters who are now signed and making great music.  Others have recently been signed by professional managers and are on their way to a great career.

Max woods


The UK is really taking the music industry by storm lately with young talent like “One Direction” and their new hit single “You Don’t Know Your Beautiful”.  Ronan Parke, Rhys Yeomans, and recently Josh Taylor are just three more great examples of amazing young talent that is rising to fame from that part of the world.

Today I’m happy to introduce for the very first time another young vocalist who is making waves of his own in the music industry.  While he is just starting his career you can be sure that big things are in store for him in the near future.


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