Anthony Gargiula New York’s Rising Son

Anthony GSince first discovering the exceptional vocal talent of Anthony Gargiula of New York, I have been following his career with great interest.

I first saw him singing the National Anthem at the Belmont Stakes in 2008, where he captured the heart of America with his amazing performance!

He debuted on this site in July of 2010 and I authored an article on, just a few months later. That feature article included a personal interview which was also aired on Radio. You can still hear that interview using this archived page on Skykid’s site!

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Of course Anthony has since been featured in a couple of updates which covered his performance for the Nascar Sylvania 300 and his last update where I mentioned the release of his Amazing Debut CD “Finally Done”.



Anthony has amassed literally millions of fans which got a boost from his appearance on Ellen DeGeneres and his interviewing of the 2008 American Idol Contestants when he was only eight years old.

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Jay Jay Warren Dallas’s Dancing Dude and Amazing Actor

“I Love my life”    Jay Jay Warren

JayJayCoolIt was a real joy when I stumbled upon today’s feature artist!  Sometimes, one young artist will lead you to another!  Jay Jay Warren is one of those youngsters whose charisma is so magnetic that it causes talent scouts or promotional writers like myself to take a second look!   It was a Hip Hop dancing video of him which was posted by another YouTuber that first caught my attention.  Having only featured a few dancers on my site, my interest was sparked and the search began to try to find out more about this boy with the fast feet and slick moves.

When I began to research a little about Jay Jay I just could not find out enough about him from his IMDB page.  Then after visiting Kim Dawson’s Talent Page, his profile page at AMTC, and Teen Stars Online, I became even more interested and determined to find out as much as I could about this new young actor/dancer!

After a couple attempts, I was finally able to contact Jay Jay’s parents.  While they have been extremely busy spending most of their time in LA, with Jay Jay doing auditions left and right, I was delighted to hear that I would be able to introduce him here in this feature article.

Jay Jay Tired out at computer
Jay Jay Tired out at computer

Jay Jay Warren was born in Midland , Texas in 2000.  He was a typical/non-typical West Texas boy loving football, and basketball while at the same time having an obvious above average aptitude for creativity.  He was very computer savvy before age two.  His father, new at the parenting gig, accidentally bought a construction design program designed for ages six to eight year olds when Jay Jay was only about 18 months old.  Within a week, Jay Jay was demolishing buildings and constructing new advanced designs by himself. The big surprise came one day when he printed one of his designs by himself after observing his mother print one for him.

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