I was first introduced to Reed Deming by a very faithful subscriber to this site. Anthony wrote me with much enthusiasm exclaiming how I really needed to check out Reed Deming’s YouTube Site. I take every recommendation very seriously when I receive one, and this has once again proven to be a good policy. What I found was no ordinary twelve year old boy covering a Bruno Mars song while accompanying himself acoustically on his guitar. It took me only moments to formulate a letter to his parents inviting him to appear on this site!
It could be said that Reed Deming has music in his DNA. He is a true musician and loves performing, songwriting, playing guitar and saxophone and even more cerebral pursuits like music theory. He has a passion and drive that are uncommon for his age. In addition, he has a unique gift – perfect pitch. Even his vocal coach who has worked with many famous pop and rock artists was stunned when she discovered that Reed could hit any note she named.  Reed would sing the note requested and she would play the note on the piano to confirm 100% accuracy every time! This was so amazing, that a pilot for a reality TV show about pop stars shot a segment with Linda trying to outwit Reed with this game. She couldn’t stump him.
His Mother shared one of her favorite stories about Reed:
“Reed was introduced to Josh Groban’s music by a family friend when he was about 5. He loved his voice and the intense complexity of his music. He also loved Frank Sinatra (I have no idea how he found his music). Both were pretty surprising choices for a little boy. One day I asked him which artist he like best and after considering the question seriously for a few seconds replied that he preferred Josh Groban. When I asked him why, he said “Because Frank Sinatra’s voice is flat.â€Â He was 6!â€

I was informed that as soon as Reed could talk, he also started singing.  This seems to be a common theme among the artists that are featured here. It also lends some credibility to the theory that real musicians are truly born with this musical gift. Even at a young age, Reed would sing along while watching a Disney music video.  When he was six, his Mother asked him if he would be interested in auditioning for a local musical. He landed the part and was immediately hooked on performing.
A local agency picked Reed up shortly after the show and he went on to do a few commercials and webisodes. He sang just about anywhere we went – in the grocery store checkout line, in restaurants, you name it. He was even asked for his first autograph at age six. His Mother tells me;
“We had tickets for a musical and I took him to dinner at a nice restaurant before the show. He sang for the waitress and literally shut down the restaurant. You could have heard a pin drop. As soon as he was finished, an elegantly-dressed older woman came over and asked for his autograph saying “you’re going to be famous somedayâ€. “We were both stunned .”
Reed has signed many autographs since and has worked very hard to develop his musical skills. Every other week he travels 5 hours each way to receive vocal lessons in Dallas, Texas. He works with the same vocal coach who trained Demi Lovato, Jessica Simpson, Nick Lackey, Ryan Cabrera and others. He also studies guitar and songwriting there and is in the process of producing 4-5 originals. He was also accepted into their elite Masters Program a year and a half ago. This year he was selected from more than 30 of the most talented Master Students as a Top 5 artist. He is also the youngest person in the entire program. Most of the students are age 15 or older.
He has performed live with the Velocity Tour at venues around Texas including Six Flags Arlington, the Houston Convention Center and official Fiesta events to name a few.  He also played the House of Blues in Dallas last June where 12 industry judges awarded him the best artist title.
Reed has made it to Hollywood twice and had a blast. He was a top-ten finalist in Simon Fuller’s new boy band nationwide search as well as a finalist in a Kidz Bop national contest. Both were great experiences and he met the most amazing people.

Reed continues to act and just finished shooting the lead role in the latest music video for FTSK (Forever the Sickest Kids) which is due out in January. He loved meeting the band and combining his passion for music with his acting.
This past week Reed was interviewed by Bruce Owens of Good Morning Hudson Valley. We are very pleased to announce that they have made this interview available exclusively for this article.
 Special thanks go out to WLNA Radio and Bruce Owens for sharing this with Rivenmaster’s Place.
In spite of all these outstanding talents and activities, Reed’s life is pretty normal most of the time. He loves playing the tenor saxophone in his school band, hanging out with friends, rollerblading, doing flips on the trampoline and spending time online. He’ll even confess that he is kind of a nerd – winning the middle school spelling bee in 6th grade (he beat an 8th grader in over 30 rounds), winning the school rocket building contest that he entered with his friends and getting all A’s in his GT classes. He’s also really funny.  He loves cracking jokes and keeping his friends laughing all the time.   One of his favorite comedians is Gabriel Iglesias and he loves to do some of his comedy bits.
Needless to say he doesn’t have much free time.
Reed has a fairly eclectic taste in music but favors alternative pop and alternative rock. He loves One Republic, Coldplay, FTSK and Maroon 5 among others but he still listens to Josh Groban and Frank Sinatra too.

Here are some Fun Facts about Reed:
- Does not like most sweets and has never eaten ice cream or a chocolate bar.
- Has two aquariums (one for a Beta fish and the other for a group of Platies)
- He loves to learn new instruments and asked for a violin last Christmas and a keyboard this Christmas
- He loves performing live and is totally energized by an audience
- He has a younger brother named Blake who is in 3rd grade and is a purple belt in Taekwondo
- He loves rollerblading, collecting rare coins, playing chess and helping others (he plays lots of pro bono gigs for groups like Easter Egg Hunt for the Blind, Morgan’s Wonderland and the Fisher House)
It has been my pleasure to learn more about Reed and to share with you my findings. It is our hope that we can continue to update you with Reed’s accomplishments and adventures in his music career. While he is still very young, Reed has shown himself to be years ahead in musical talent. It is easy to predict that that this young man will be discovered quickly by an interested music professional. This kind of talent does not go unnoticed for long. So subscribe to his media sites now! Reed Deming will soon be climbing the fast track to success!

If you would like to learn more about Reed Deming visit:
I’ve been watching Reed’s You Tube videos for awhile and he’s definitely very bright and talented. I love his song “I Wish I Was There”. He has a great voice. I would definitely buy a Reed Deming CD if he releases one sometime in the future.
This is such a great article!!! Reed is an exceptional singer and seems to have a great personality. I am glad that you featured him on here. I enjoy his youtube videos a lot. It seems like you have a great talent scout working with you. Anthony has helped others sites and seems to find all the talnet. You guys working together is such a great team. Have a great New Year!!
HI Rod, Great to read more about Reed, and (as always) your have made a great article! I watch the interview from Roadrunner Radio, and i saw a boy whit a lot of joy and happiness! I´m sure that one day he will be famous, and i am happy to be his friend on youtube and facebook.
Greetings from Jesper, Denmark
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! Yes I’m very indebted to you for introducing me to Reed! He is truly an amazing young man and I know he has a wonderful future ahead of him! I also thank you for your continued support to the site and to my YouTube Channel!
Your a great friend!
Rod! This is exactly why i recommended Reed to you. It was such a great article. I really enjoyed reading about Reed’s story. He is truly an amazing singer and as you said he is musically years ahead of his age. I am very excited to see what is to come in his future.
Thanks you so much for taking the time to comment about Reed! I am looking forward to listening to that interview with Reed and sharing it with our readers here. I’m so happy that you took the time to leave this comment so I could give the proper credit to you and your station!
Thank you also for your continued support of this work, and for your generosity in the past of allowing me to embed these interviews into the feature articles here!
I hope we get to meet someday in the future ans share some great stories about our experiences in the media business!
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Reed Deming for the radio show I host. He answered my questions
with a maturity far beyond his 12 years. He told me that while comaprisons to Justin Bieber are nice he prefers
to be his own man and do something unique because as he pointed out, that’s what you have to do to make it in the music business. Reed’s ability to connect with a song’s lyric and the passion he puts into each song he sings is truly amazing. I’m very happy that Rivenmaster has chosen to a feature article on him.