Setting aside special time each week just to listen to new young vocalists is one of my favorite things to do. While I receive many requests via YouTube and e-mail to check out various talented singers, what thrills me even more is when I accidentally stumble upon a talent that jumps out of obscurity and hits me square in the face.
Such was the case with fourteen year old Colton Jacobson.
Heralding from Frisco, Texas Colton Jacobson is a young musical prodigy with a big voice and with music seemingly running through his veins.
I sat in awe as I watched and listened to each of his YouTube videos that included covers by Adel, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Jessie J, and Beyoncé. Often I will skip off to a new channel after one or two videos, but Colton stopped me dead in my tracks. I could not leave until I heard every one of his covers.
While every video was more than enjoyable, Colton’s cover of “Fireworks†by Katy Perry and Adel’s “Set Fire To The Rain†were for me the most impressive. His A capella portion in “Set Fire To The Rain†allowed me to really note how pitch perfect he could be. Stepping away from his piano accompaniment for just those few bars more than captured my attention and drew me in. It was then and there that I had to discover more about this tremendously talented Texas teen.
Colton currently resides in Frisco, Texas where he has lived since he was four years old. Born just 15 miles north in a small town of just a little more than 5,000 people called Celina, which is in the heart of Collin and Denton County, Texas.
Unlike most artists, Colton did not express any interest in music until he was in 4th grade. Â His dad recalled;

“I remember attending a talent show with Colton at his elementary school where the 5th grade children were showcasing their talents. On the way home from the show, Colton turned to me and said “dad, I want to sing in the talent show next yearâ€. Of course, I was a bit surprised because he had never expressed any interest in performing in front of a large audience. The following spring, during Colton’s 5th grade year, Colton signed up for the talent show and made the decision to sing a song without a backing track or musical accompaniment. The song Colton decided to sing was “Imagine†by the Beatles. When the big night arrived, his mother and I were both petrified with nerves awaiting Colton’s big performance. When the MC called out Colton’s name, he confidently walked out on to the stage and like a true professional began to sing his song. When he started singing, you could hear a pin drop, which is hard to do in an auditorium of more than 200 people. By the time Colton finished the first verse of the song, the crowd was on their feet cheering Colton on. When he approached the final verse of the song, the audience was roaring with excitement and gave Colton a standing ovation. It was at that moment; Colton became aware of his God given vocal talent and knew exactly what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.â€

Soon after this amazing debut performance experience Colton began taking piano and singing lessons at a local music studio. When Colton was 12 years old, he was asked to sing the National Anthem for the Frisco Rough Riders (Texas Ranger’s AA Baseball Franchise) after participating in an open audition. That same year, Colton was one of eight young artists whom were hand selected from a nationwide search to audition for Simon Fuller’s Boy Band for the Next Generation Project (co-produced by Jamie King and Perez Hilton) in Los Angeles, CA.
In late 2010, Colton joined the Septien Entertainment Group based out of Dallas, TX where he is fortunate enough to receive vocal coaching from Linda Septien. Ms. Septien is known for coaching some of the most successful young musical talent in the industry today such as Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez and Jessica Simpson. In June 2011, Colton received the prestigious honor of being asked to join the Septien Entertainment Group’s Master Artist Program.

In July of 2011, Colton introduced himself to the world via YouTube. In less than 5 months, his YouTube videos have received over 430,000 views. He has over 10,500 Subscribers and 19,900 Friends on his YouTube Channel. In the same period of time, he has accumulated over 39,000 Twitter followers and has received more than 3,200 Facebook likes on his Facebook Fan Page. Colton’s popularity is growing by the day. He is quickly building an army of fans that are truly inspired by his music.
As a result of Colton’s viral success, he has had the opportunity to perform at the House of Blues in Dallas, TX. He has also performed at McKinney Performing Arts Center along with American Idol Season 8 finalist Michael Sarver and American Idol Season 5 winner Taylor Hicks as well as opened for American Idol contestant Tim Halperin at the 2011 Plano October-Feast. To give back to his local community, Colton also recorded the song “Mary Did You Know†on a Christmas Album sponsored by Bethlehem Place benefiting families in need.

Colton just recently returned from Tampa, FL where he partnered with TMI Entertainment to record his debut album titled “Now or Neverâ€, scheduled to be released via Notloc Records, LLC (Independent Record Label) in June 2012 with his first single from the album to be released on iTunes, Amazon and other digital distribution sources as well as radio in early February 2012. Fans are encouraged to join Colton’s Fan List to receive up to date information on the release of his original music.
Colton aspires to become an international pop icon so that he can one day pay it forward and inspire future generations to reach for their dreams.
To learn more about Colton Jacobson visit:

Ure really talented
Ure really talented
That’s such a wonderful voice…. and perfect talent. I accept ur amazing talent.
Thanks so much for your kind words of encouragement! It’s valued readers, subscribers and friends like you that keep me going!Â
I so much enjoy publishing these introductory articles here. My joy is furthered even more as I watch these young talented entertainers take off, become signed, and turn into the international stars and artists that I foresee at these early stages in their careers.Â
My greatest joy will be fulfilled when I watch them in person at a live performance for a large venue some day in the future or on the Big Screen. For some it’s not too far down the road!
To me they are already Big Stars!
Thanks for the Christmas and New Year Wishes! Something tells me this is going to be the best year ever!
Colton is another amazing talented young singer showcased on your site. He has s great voice and no doubt will be going places! Thanks again for your updates to keep your subscribers informed on the talented singers & actors we might not have heard about other than from Rivenmaster. Take care & hope you have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!
Excellent observation! This is truly the paradox of fame and proves itself to happen to the best and most well known artists all over the world!
I like his singing. When someone is truly talented, or, better yet, skilled, they become a polarizing figure. The fact that he has real fans and die-hard haters is a great sign. It means he won’t fall off the map after his first or second hit.
Colton is a wonderful talent.
Thanks for commenting!
Sometimes I’m surprised how all this works out too. I was right down in that area last summer then come all the way back to Michigan to stumble upon these two very talented young men who actually know each other. It was a bit coincidental that they ended up being showcased back to back on the site. Just goes to show us what a small world it is after all. Â
I think what I enjoy the most is seeing the individuality and diversity in talent that is expressed with each of these young artists.
They may share the same state, cities, and vocal coach but both are very unique and separate artists of their own making.
If I were to start a singing career I know who I would want as a vocal coach after hearing these two young artists perform.
How fortunate for you to have seen Colton Live.Â
I was in Texas this past summer, and hope to venture down that way again but I’m sure it will not be next year. I too hope to see him perform live someday in the future. The way he is going I’m sure he will soon be performing outside of his state so perhaps I will get my opportunity then.
As far as being famous I would have to say he has achieved a good degree of that! He has already amassed a huge amount of fans and has professional media standing up and taking notice!
Thanks Anthony for commenting! Yes it was a pleasure learning all about Colton. I have no doubt that we will be hearing great things from him in the very near future!
Colton’s vocals are astounding. Each one of his videos has blown me away. A friend of mine saw him perform in texas, and said he had never heard a kid sing that good before. Colton has a bright future ahead of him. Great article as usual. Keep Up the good work!
I have actually seen Colton perform “live” at a festival, and we thought it was the radio. We walked over to watch him, because my husband said this was a young man singing, and he is more impressive in person than these videos do justice. He has the cutest personality on stage. I hope to see him go far, and say that I saw him before he was famous.
I think it’s interesting that the last two young singers showcased here, Colton Jacobson this week and Reed Deming last week are both “Septien Master Artists.” Â They both study with noted vocal coach Linda Septien in Dallas, Texas. While there are many factors that determine if a singer is going to be successful, including luck, it certainly doesn’t hurt to have a good mentor in your corner!
Thanks for the comment Jesper! I really appreciate your faithfulness to the website and for your friendship to the work that goes on here! Your a great friend!
Nice of you to take time to leave a comment Ashley! Many people visit and read but don’t often make the extra effort to say something.
I think this speaks loudly of your appreciation for Colton! Thanks for that!
colotn jacobson is my inspiration…i have learned so much from him…and one of his biggest fans…i hope to meet him soon..and hope his dreams come true…
So great to read about you Colton, i hope you will continue your music career for many years! Looking forward to hear/read more about you in the future! Have fun.
Jesper, Denmark