When I first saw Anthony Gargiula I was amazed at his prowess in performing and his unprecedented talent for not only entertaining but lighting up the entire stage with his character and charm.
He galloped onto the stage of Ellen Degeneres and into America’s heart and of course we followed him to the American Idol show where he interviewed the idol contestants for that year which included David Archuleta and David Cook. Anthony continued to shine at many places after that doing shows and singing the National Anthem at ball parks and his most recent appearance at the Nascar Sylvania 300.
I was honored to meet Anthony face to face on Skype this past year and I have to tell you that this young man is not only charming and personable, but way ahead of his years in communicating his thoughts and conducting himself like a professional who had been doing this all his life.
Here is Anthony performing with his older brother Luis at Hannah’s hope Big Rock Show January 22nd 2011.
Anthony at only Eleven, still has his entire teenage years ahead of him, but I’m not afraid to predict that he will be spending his teen years as a recording artist and stage performer with a fan base that any American Idol would be proud to have.
Things have really been going great in Albany, New York for Anthony. His CD Finally Done is still selling like hot cakes on I-tunes and his local performances are going great. Anthony did a lot of charity events in January. He believes in sharing his gifts with others and helping as many people as possible through his music.
Anthony’s Dad just told me that there is a possibility of a very large event happening in Washington DC in June. So I hope to be able to share more about that in the near future right here on the blog. In addition to that excitement Anthony just signed with a new management group in Nashville, Tennessee. So BIG THINGS are on the horizon for Anthony and his career.
One of the biggest changes for Anthony since my last article is his “AG Dance Crew”. Nine dancers now back up Anthony on stage including his 14 year old brother, Louis. Having the dancers now on stage with Anthony has really created an exciting act and working out the choreography and growing the stage show has been a rewarding experience for all.
Anthony and the AG Dance crew perform at Northern Lights at Hannah’s Hope Fund Big Rock Show. This was their last song of a 45 minute set.
Anthony has currently set a goal to grow his [button_icon icon=”house” url=”http://www.facebook.com/AnthonyGargiula”] FaceBook [/button_icon] following to over 5,000. So if you haven’t jumped on board the Anthony G Fan Page it’s time to do that now!
- You can also visit Anthony at his other sites which include: His Official Website
- or his You-Tube Site.
I have missed the appearance of Anthony on Ellen – and now that I saw it I am amazed once again by his energy and enthusiasm . I am looking forward a professionally filmed clip by him as I have no doubts it would be amazing ! ( with his charisma and that cool dancing crew )