The orchestra is wonderful and complements each song with just the right amount of volume so as not to take away from the singers. Watch below as Sam performs with the other boys the opening song “Food Glorious Food”.

Sam gives a thumbs up as he sits with Finn McLachlan while they wait for thier next practice session during rehersals last week.
Findlay McLachlan is nine years old and attends Kohia Terrace Shcool, in Epsom where he is an enthusiastic performer in the annual school speech competition and the only boy in the school choir. Fin’s stage debut came at age five in the Senior College production of “Tommy” (in which Fin played 5 year old Tommy witnessing the murder of his mother’s boyfriend). Subsequent to that, during a year in the UK he attended performance classes “Center Stage” under the direction of Julie Dawn Cole, where he sang in, LES MISERABLES.

See complete review and two wonderful video clips from the show!
What an awesome play… I wish I can see i live…
Way to go… Thanks for posting it UR.