When Sam Verlinden appeared on “The Crowd Goes Wild” sports show several months ago he clowned into the camera saying; “Whoo the Crowd goes wild!”
This time however it was Sam’s performance as young Tommy in “Tommy the Musical“ that the crowd went wild for.
“See me, feel me, heal me”, from the legendary band ‘The Who’ is most likely the most memorable lyrics from this outrageously entertaining rock musical “TOMMY”. This presentation, by University of Auckland’s Stage Two and Theatre of Love productions is directed by James Wenley and played out onto the Musgrove stage.
While no official review has been written for this production, inside reports claim Sam Verlinden (pictured right) to be extraordinary in his roll and performance. Sam’s ability to
While no official review has been written for this production, inside reports claim Sam Verlinden (pictured right) to be extraordinary in his roll and performance. Sam’s ability to

portray young Tommy and of course his sensational singing makes Sam Verlinden a directors dream.
Playing the older Tommy (shown on left) is Paul Fagamalo.
A Little History
For those of you who may not know, the rock group, The Who, had been together for about 5 years by the time they came out with thier idea for “Tommy”. It was the very first rock opera and to this day still one of the best.
You can still purchase tickets for this production which is going on until Wednesday October 7th.
You won’t want to miss this event so make your plans now!

Sam and Paul enjoy some time together with the cast on dress rehearsal night.