New Look, New Voice, New Music, New Zealand’s Sam Verlinden

“Music has always been me. There was never one defining moment that I thought “I think I might like to be an artist” … it has been in my veins from day one.”             Sam V 

Sam Verlinden Profile Photo 2015
Sam V (Verlinden)

It has been almost two years since we have turned the spotlight on for New Zealand’s Star Vocalist Sam Verlinden. This is why we are happy to be bringing Sam back into focus especially at this time with the launch of his Brand New Original Song and New Music Video.

Sam V 2015
Sam V

Quite a lot has happened over the past couple of years with Sam and his musical career with the most notable being his more mature vocal sound and original single releases.

Gone forever is his lovely high range where he could belt out covers of Beyonce and other great female artists. It is now replaced with a rich lower register, which opened the door for Sam to try many new genres, including the world of classic croon.

Sam V 2 2015
Sam strikes a pose for us!

This new voice and sound help launch Sam into his school bands and orchestra at his High School. Following a standing ovation he received at one school performance of Mac the Knife – he became fondly known as Sammy Sinatra or Sammy Buble by many of the teachers, students and other student families. Having followed Sam closely over the years, I always knew that his vocals would someday rock the entertainment industry. However, he totally blew me away with his rendition of

Mack the Knife
with his High School Orchestra backing him up!

Sam was also given the role of his School Senior Cantor, which involved leading mass and a wonderful introduction into classic gospel and hymns. In addition he was given the role of Senior Choir Coordinator, leading the school choir time.

All of this musical involvement at his High School enabled him to mould gently into his new vocal range which now ranges strongly from tenor to baritone.

He also decided to audition in the School Production in 2014, and was delighted to get the lead role of Bobby Strong in ‘Urinetown’. He really enjoyed this experience and he auditioned once again for this year’s Musical ‘Pippin’, and again – landed the lead role of Pippin, which will come to the stage in July 2015.

Sam is not only musically gifted and talented; he has also been excelling academically, achieving top marks in the school for Music and Global Perspectives the last 2 years in a row.

Sam V What You've DoneOutside of school, Sam has also been incredibly busy.

He has been working with an incredible Producer Vince Harder (Harder Music Group) who is currently based in Australia. Together they have created several new tracks, with one of them (What You’ve Done) already winning funding from NZ On Air – for production and release of a music video. The music video was filmed 2 weeks ago and it is targeted for release in March 2015.

Use both the photo (left), and text links to purchased Sam’s new single from either iTunes or UK.   Listen to and Like it on the NZ On Air Sound Cloud Site!

Here is Sam’s Brand New Music Video

What You've Done Sam V“What You’ve Done”

Sam Verlinden Pop Star
Sam Verlinden Pop Star

They have mixed and mastered another 4 tracks, with the hope of releasing an EP later this year.

The experience of working with such a top quality Producer has helped launch Sam into the local New Zealand music industry, where is he continues to gain a solid reputation for being a very talented and credible artist in his own home country.


2015 will continue to be busy for Sam as he prepares for his final year in High School, establishing himself into his leadership Prefect roles and launching his upcoming single, music video and EP.

Sam V 3 2015
Sam V

He has a Music Tour to Europe scheduled in April, where a group of 20 students will visit Rome, Croatia, Austria and other countries sharing their music.

Later in the year a smaller group of 15 students will travel to Rarotonga, Cook Islands to perform in their celebrations of 50 years of independence. This will be very special for Sam as his grandmother is from Rarotonga and he holds a great affinity with the small Pacific Country.

I must admit that having Sam be a part of this website since its conception has been a real honour and privilege. Observing his development and growth both as a young artist and young man has been a special joy and rewarding experience. There has never been a doubt in my mind that Sam Verlinden is headed for greatness and I look forward to many years of great music, concert performances, stage plays, and even Broadway in his future.

In closing Sam asked me to publish the following which we are humbled to do. Since Sam was one of the very first to ever be published on this website I have given Sam the honor of leaving a hint regarding some changes that are in the works for this website which continues to grow and expand in amazing ways to the benefit of many young musicians, aspiring actors, stage performers and vocalists.



“I’ve never taken anything for granted – and as every new door has opened for me, or when every new opportunity arises, I’m always surprised and sometimes overwhelmed – but always really grateful when people enjoy what I do.

I’m still learning and developing – and have been really lucky to work with some incredibly talented and supportive people that I’ll always be so grateful for. I think that’s the key to this thing – to make sure you surround yourself with people who have walked the road before you, people you can trust and people with the best work ethic. Then whatever happens, you’ll be ok.

I’m incredibly grateful for all the support I have received from Rivenmaster and from all the supporters and readers of the Rivenmaster websites in addition to the fellow artists Rivenmaster features on his pages – several of whom I have made friends with.”

I would like to thank Rod from Rivenmaster for everything he has done for all the young artists he has featured on his site over the last few years. I have met so many new friends and supporters from all around the world as a result and have been able to glean much from the good advice and support they have provided on the site.   In addition, I wish the very best to the new team who will be taking over the reins during the next few months”.    

Thank you again Rivenmaster for the unconditional support from the start – and I know I speak for all the young artists when I say WE are lucky to have had such a supportive and safe place as Rivenmaster’s Place to launch our music careers. Blessings!

Sam Verlinden

For More About Sam V visit:


Side note* will soon acquire a New Name, New Domain, New Team and New Ownership. will soon be transferring ownership to a brand new team who will be taking this site to even greater heights and deeper depths of promotion of young artists from all over the world. The full article about this expansion and growth will be made public on March 20th. Fear not! Rivenmaster “Rod Johnson” is not going anywhere. He will continue to support and publish occasional articles to this website.  We are confident that this site can do nothing but become even more successful in helping the youth of today become the stars of tomorrow. Be watching on March 20th for this very special article detailing this transition.

Sebastián Urdiales Mexico’s Newest Young Star!

Haga clic aquí para la versión Española

“I am unstoppable because if you have hope I have hope!”                                                                                                      Sebastián Urdiales

Sebastián Urdiales

In our continuing search for rising young talent from every corner of the globe we often come across talent that has already claimed great success in their part of the world, yet not found their way to international attention. It’s with great pride that we introduce for the very first time here at Rivenmaster’s Place Sebastián Urdiales.


Sebastián Urdiales Profile Shot
Thirteen Year Old Sebastián Urdiales

 Thirteen year old Sebastián Urdiales is one of the fastest growing young talents to come out of Mexico City, Mexico! Sebastián who is currently in the 7th grade is a talented young singing performer and actor. He comes with an impressive resume and growing list of experiences both on stage, screen and television.

As soon as I stumbled on his YouTube Channel I wrote to his parents for the full story behind Sebastián. I was soon in contact with his amazing family and well on the way to bringing you his story.

Sebastián was born in Mexico City on September 15th,2001 and his family consists of his Mother, Father, and older sister Olivia, who also serves as his best friend.

Since he was very young, he has had a great interest in nature and animals. His favorite hobby was to go out of town to go fishing and camping. For this reason Sebastián has developed a keen awareness of ecology and care for the environment. Sebastián also has personally rescued a number of pets including snakes, hamsters, parrots, cats, canaries, frogs, turtles, fish and dogs.

Sebastián and Sister
Sebastián and his Sister

Since 5 years old he has practiced Taekwondo and attended a number of competitions throughout his country.

In the same sports club where Sebastián practiced Taekwondo, his sister took dance classes, called Latin Rhythms. Sebastián expressed a great interest in what his sister was doing, but was too small to perform the choreography routines. However, due to his insistence to take dance classes, his Dad spoke to the teacher. The dance instructor said she would start up a sample class for a younger child in order to appease him, but when Sebastián surprised the teacher with his ability, she soon enrolled him as a dancer. He was the smallest in the class, but this fact did not seem to faze him in the slightest.

Watch SebastiánHe is the smallest boy down in front in the mask and cape.

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