Jordan Jansen working on new CD!

jordan cropLot’s has been taking place this past month for our regulars here at Rivenmaster’s Place.

Jordan Jansen sources reveal that Jordan is currently working on a CD that will be released very soon. The details are sketchy right now but check back soon for the inside scoop with more details.
I asked if they could disclose any of the tracks, and while I could not get all eleven of them, I am thrilled to be the first to announce that Hallelujah will be one of them!  Jordan’s Mom tells me it will be fantastic and that they are very excited about this new venture coming to fruition.
Keep your browsers bookmarked here to find out everything there is to know about this upcoming CD!

Here is Jordan’s latest video sung by request

“Justin Bieber’s One Time”


Connor Blackley Update!

As promised I want to give everyone an opportunity to see and hear Connor Blackley’s latest recording and video of him singing.
This song along with two others were recently recorded in the studio and Connor has a real opportunity to show just how much his voice has grown in just a little more than a year!
Connor has a new You-Tube site that you need to check out, as he is starting to become active there as well as his MySpace site!
Congratulations Connor on a great recording studio secession and thanks for sharing your music with all of us!

This is Connors Latest recording of “I’m Already There”!  You will be amazed at the growth he has shown from his previous recording of this song!  Yes Connor your already there and ready for the big stage!   GREAT JOB!

Keep Singing Connor because we are all listening!