Dylan Cragle’s New Song with Meaningful Message

Dylan wall

Dylan Cragle is more than just a young man with a big voice. He is a young man with a big heart! Dylan has a masterful way to write not only great pop music with moving rhythm and beat, but weaves in a meaningful message with every new release. His latest song “In This World” not only illustrates this, but once again gives you an inside look at who Dylan Cragle really is, and what he wants to convey through his music!

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Dylan is extremely compassionate about an issue that many young teens face every day at school. Bullying! This is not only wrong but has driven many teens to even take their own lives because of not wanting to face another day of this repeated torturous routine from their peers.

fugle-swing-1While swinging on his back yard swing, Dylan started thinking about a friend at school who was getting bullied on a daily basis.  He thought; “Why are some people so mean? Why do they purposely try to hurt and make fun of others?” Dylan was pondering a way that he could help her when he suddenly realized his thoughts could be turned into a song.  He ask his Mom to bring him a tablet and pencil and soon the words began to flow out of him.  In about one hours time his masterpiece was complete and while handing it to his Mom he exclaimed; “I think this is a real good one Mom.”

Continue reading “Dylan Cragle’s New Song with Meaningful Message”

Ashton Harrell Big Dreams and even Bigger Voice!

Ashton Harrell at 15 has already mastered professional showmanship, stage presence, exhilarating vocals, and has opened stage performances for some of the top young artists in the music industry.

Ashton Harrell
Ashton Harrell

Last year I stumbled upon a young talent that immediately caught my attention.  He was just 14 at the time and already had mastered professional showmanship, stage presence, exhilarating vocals, and had opened stage performances for some of the top young artists in the music industry.  While circumstances kept us from doing an immediate article, I’m happy to finally introduce to you for the first time on Rivenmaster’s Place Ashton Harrell. Ashton now15, is an incredibly talented young man who has been gifted with a natural ability to perform.  We read on his MySpace Site that “When Ashton was just four years old he asked his mother if he could go on stage at a local amusement park and sing “Take Me Home Country Roads” in front of hundreds of people.” The bio goes on to say that he ran up on stage and belted it out perfectly without missing a word.  It was this experience that catapulted his desire to be a singing performer. He has moved way beyond crowds of hundreds today, having performed in front of well over 100,000 people.

At the age of 5, Ashton started performing in his school talent shows. Year after year, the audience came back to hear the “Little  Boy with the BIG VOICE”.   It was at this point that Ashton realized how great it felt to be able to touch people and put a smile on their face with just his voice. Continue reading “Ashton Harrell Big Dreams and even Bigger Voice!”