1. Far Away – Jordan Jansen – Vote:3,405
2. Sail Away With Me – Matthew Garrod – Vote:3,360
3. Date with the tub – Cjayelerose – Vote:2,141
5. Freak U – SAMMY G featuring Silvie – Vote:1,856

SamVerlinden has also joined in on the fun at Soundcheck with his entry of his popular You-Tube video ” Who’s Loving You” sung Michael Jackson style. I personally feel this was one of Sam’s best performances of that song to date! Sam’s second entry is “Ben” also by Michael Jackson and is another favorite among his many adoring fans!
Special Announcement!
Connor Blackley is going to be featured here within the next week! Keep your eyes peeled for this outstanding young country artist. I say artist as his ability to sing songs with a convincing interpretation is will beyond his years of experience! You do not want to miss this special feature. “Tell your friends”