Clelland-Goddard is quite the amazing young man! You would think I guy would want to rest after all the activities he has been involved with lately. In fact, the busy weeks of Carnival and Calypso contests he was entered in just concluded yesterday. Well, like they say, you can’t hold a good man down. Today Allan released a wonderful new video to the song “Sleeping Child“.

“Michael Learns To Rock is a Danish Pop Band that first formed in 1987 and entered their city’s talent contest the following year. After winning the contest they had to hurriedly come up with a name for the group and that is how MLTR came into existence.
This video like his first was recorded by his tremendously talented mother and master crafted by Chris Nelson aka “christoff555“. The little girl in this video is Allan’s 2 year old cousin, Sayuri Rei.
I think it would be interesting to mention the hours of work that go into the creation of a video such as this. Deborah, Allans’ mom tell us that they actually began working on the sound track in December and completed the vocal track just before the first of the year. Chris Nelson tells me, the audio track actually originates from a midi file. Then using some elaborate recording studio software, Chris mixes the different sounds, creates the different instruments, adds sound effects along with a variety of filters to make the final music backtrack. This process alone can take up to about 20 hours of mixing and filtering.
Once the music track has been created it is sent to Allan to record the vocal track. Allan’s mom uses some audio mixing software to record only Allan’s voice while he listens to the audio track that Chris has produced. Once that has been completed it is sent back to Chris for the final mixing. Meanwhile Allan’s mom starts shooting the video using different shots and especially endeavoring to capture Allan singing the song. Once she is satisfied she has a good take she rushes that back to Chris for the final mixing and dubbing of the audio track for the final video creation which again Chris does masterfully.
When I spoke with Chris last night he proclaimed:“I’ve been in the recording industry for a long time, but I’ve never enjoyed working with an artist more than I have with Allan Clelland-Goddard of Trinidad. Both he, his mother Deborah, and his entire family are wonderful people, and a joy to know. Allan has a wonderful vocal talent, marvelous timing and a sensible disposition… and he just keeps getting better and better with every new production…”
When I spoke with Chris last night he proclaimed:“I’ve been in the recording industry for a long time, but I’ve never enjoyed working with an artist more than I have with Allan Clelland-Goddard of Trinidad. Both he, his mother Deborah, and his entire family are wonderful people, and a joy to know. Allan has a wonderful vocal talent, marvelous timing and a sensible disposition… and he just keeps getting better and better with every new production…”
“I personally recommend Chris’s work to anyone who is looking for a talented audio/video technician to master your video productions.”
You can contact Chris at:
This song, like many other songs that Allan chooses to sing has a message of Peace and Hope. I know you will love Allan’s intrepretation of this song. Please leave a comment for him here then visit Allans You-Tube Site to give him the praise that he rightly deserves!
The highlight of Allan’s adventures lately was accomplished while attending and singing at a charity event yesterday. He had the distinguished honor of meeting a Trinidad calypso icon called “The Mighty Sparrow”.
Allan was also invited to sing a a big outdoor party to be held on the street of one of their main towns, Chaguanas, Tuesday evening where he met some very high profile city officials. See the newspaper article!
“I’m confidant that Allan will be a real crowd pleaser because he is quite the entertainer & does a great job getting audience participation”.