When I was a youngster, the adults of my life would ask me “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I don’t remember having a specific answer for that question, as many things looked appealing at different ages.

Connor Blackley however, is quite a different story! If his first cries upon birth could have been interpreted it would most likely have been “I Want To Sing” . Connor, who will become a teenager at the end of this month has been a busy young man lately! Performing and competing in his home state of Florida thrilling record crowds to upwards of 4,000 people. The biggest stage I ever stood on was only about 1,500 but this kid doesn’t seem to be phased by the experience. He just keeps belting out the songs to the pleasure of the large audience.  I asked Conner if he ever get’s nervous and he replied “ I don’t really get nervous, but if I start to get a little nervous before hand, it goes away once I’m up on stage.”
Connor most recently was asked by Gator Country WGNE to open their Jacksonville Landing 99.9’s Spring Concert Series by singing the National Anthem. This years concert series opened with a David Nail concert. Connor performed at Jacksonville Landing last year as well and has become a real favorite of the crowd of country fans.
In addition to this performance Connor recently competed on April 6th in the Clay County Fair Talent competition. While he did not capture the win for that contest he was a definite favorite of many who attended.
On a much larger note Conner will be performing at the Suwannee River Music Jam on April 24th, as part of the opening entertainment for the Zac Brown Band, John Michael Montgomery and Colt Ford. Other performers to perform at the jam will also include Travis Tritt, Kansas, LoCash Cowboys, Jason Michael Carroll, Justin Mooore, Mountain Heart, David Cooler and Josh Thompson! Connor will be gracing the stage with some of the finest country performers that this country has to offer which is quite an honor for a 13 year old boy! Way to go Connor!
I also need to report that Connor auditioned for and was accepted into the Chamber Chorus (LaVilla School of the Arts advanced chorus) and will be traveling to Greece with them next year.
This Summer Connor will also be singing at the Jacksonville Summer jazz festival in August in front of over 4000 people.
What can I say? Some kids were just born to perform and Connor Blackley is one of those kids! Or should I say Teens!
Congratulations on the fine performances Connor and we hope that your 13th birthday on the 28th is the best ever!