What is the first thing that comes into your mind when you think of Coca Cola? Most would say; cool & refreshing. These same two words will define what you will hear when Sam Verlinden uses his vocal skills as one of the showcasing musical talents on December 12 in Auckland.
Sam will be performing twice during this televised concert, that will once again bring the very best New Zealand has to offer to the stage. Sam will be second to grace the stage that evening. Along with the help of 3 other young men, Sam is scheduled to sing a Jackson Five version of “Santa Clause is Coming to Town”.
This was Sam’s third audition to perform in what is one of New Zealand’s most prestigious concert events. This year he so impressed the producer, that he clenched his much longed for spot along side of many other outstanding performers. Sam has shown much growth each year in his singing ability. He has gone past just singing a song to making it his own. While the strong musical influences still shine through is song choices, Sam has begun to turn a corner on a career that is getting ready to launch him into a whole new realm in the music industry!
Sam’s second performance will be at the conclusion of the concert. This years finally pays tribute to one of Sam’s greatest influences of all Michael Jackson.
If you live in the Auckland area, your going to want to make your reservations early. If you need a summer vacation from the middle of a cold winter in the US, then plan to vacation in Auckland this December 12th. Tell Sam, Rivenmaster sent you!
If you live in the Auckland area, your going to want to make your reservations early. If you need a summer vacation from the middle of a cold winter in the US, then plan to vacation in Auckland this December 12th. Tell Sam, Rivenmaster sent you!