Simply Sensational is all that comes to mind with you speak of this young man. He’s been rightfully named the Boy Wonder from Down Under! Jordan never ceases to amaze me.
Whether it’s the changes of his background page on You Tube, his more than fantastic music videos, his personable blogs, his ability to stay so kind and thoughtful to all of his fans and promoters, his new found talents of playing other instruments, or just the fact that his voice stays so pure and enjoyable. Whatever the reason you choose, Jordan Jansen is a sure fire winner!
Jordan is breaking all barriers at SoundCheck by staying well in the lead due to his overwhelming following of voting fans. ” Thanks Fans” ! My recent voting visit showed him nearly 1,000 votes ahead of his closest competitor in Round 16 of the Contest. This contest will end Feb 1st so it’s not far from conclusion. However don’t stop voting because the month of January will be the most difficult when the judges bring back some very heavy competitors for the Final round of the competition.
He also has soared to 9th Place in another WonderWorld TV contest which I’m sure he will capture before you know it! So get out and vote because this is one young man who not only deserves your vote but has earned it.
Jordan you keep inspiring everyone with your motivation and drive. If it’s not too much trouble could you please bottle some of that energy and send it over the ocean to me? This is one old blogger that gets winded just trying to keep typing as fast as you are climbing the ladder to success. You are a bright and shining example of what can be done if you passionately go after your dreams.
Jordan, you are exactly what this blog titles says today,
Sam Verlinden & Jordan Jansen have both been named as Golden Ribby Nominees in the WonderWorld TV Contest. When a contest entrant has a winning entry they are moved into the Golden Ribby Catagory. This status gives both Sam and Jordan a chance at $10,000, and possibly a WonderWorld Entertainment contract!
Both of these young men are fabulous and deserve this award. Sam who is from New Zealand and Jordan from Australia are friends and often share hopes and dreams with each other.
You can and should continue to vote for both of these fine performers. The final award date has not yet been set but don’t hessitate to cast your votes often. You can vote as much as you like. EVERY VOTE COUNTS. Jordan currently has 143,320 votes for “Hallelujah” while Sam has 73,735 votes for his winning entry “Who’s loven You”.
As reported yesterday, Sam currently has four new entries that are running in the competition.
Also don’t forget to continue to vote for Jordan at Soundcheck. He has been doing fantastic with 3,190 votes and a substantial lead, but don’t Stop! Both boys are grateful for your support in these contests!