Tanner Massey – an adventure begins!

“Don’t just wish on a star; be a star”   Tanner Massey

Tanner MasseyIt is always exciting to introduce new talent to Torchlight Talent and 11-year-old Tanner is both brand new and amazingly talented! Tanner is a natural performer with a tangible passion for his art.

The Texas-born Oklahoma boy lives to sing! Tanner tells us on his YouTube channel:

“I love just about everything about singing. There are very few things about singing that I dislike right now!”

Tanner’s father told me the story of how he realised his son had real talent. They first noticed his amazing voice while he was singing along to a computer game! Tanner would always be singing – any time any place – and eventually they decided it was time to invest in voice lessons. After much searching, they found a singing teacher who was able to push Tanner in the right direction and, to hear him sing now, it would be easy to think that Tanner had been singing competitively all his life. Knowing that it has only been a matter of months suggests to me that there is a very exciting future ahead for Tanner – both vocally and for his music career.tksing1

Tanner has been heavily influenced by the voice and music of Bruno Mars and shares some of that highly 
successful singer’s easy tone and charming personality. However, Tanner also has a powerful voice with incredible dynamic potential and he hinted to me that there might be some power-ballad performances on the horizon. Tanner loves to sing and his enthusiasm comes across clearly in his performing. Not all recording artists are also able to hold an audience but, as well as having a naturally expressive voice, Tanner has a talent for communicating with crowds and individuals in a way that is very rare for one so young. Watch him performing live – click here: 

Tanner sings 'Hallelujah'

It may be surprising to hear that Tanner has struggled considerably with nerves to the extent that they would choke him up and prevent him from singing to his full potential. In the beginning, he flat out refused to sing in public and it took two months to convince him that he had a talent not to be wasted. Gradually, Tanner has been working to overcome these nerves and to hear him perform now you would think he was born on the stage! Much of this progress has been due to the encouragement he receives from his fans. In his own words:

Tanner in kitchen“I love support! I love people that cheer other people on and I love every single person right now!”

For a young artist in Tanner’s position at such an early stage of his career, a little encouragement will go a very long way. If you want to support youth music and make an enthusiastic 11-year-old smile, make sure you follow Tanner on whatever social media you use and let him know that you are behind him in his musical adventure:

As usual, I asked Tanner what advice he would give to other young people trying to achieve their musical dreams. He gave me a fantastic quote:

tannerdaredevil“Don’t just wish on a star; be a star!”

Tanner would like to thank Ray Sams and family (including his daughter, vocal artist Taylor Renee), Kevin and Laura Tatum (Heartland Opry) and ‘the many, many wonderful people on Twitter’ who have supported him in his journey. Tanner would especially like to thank his dad for driving to his gigs and always having his back.

“Thank you all (including Torchlight Talent) for being wonderful by getting Tanner’s name out to people.  We appreciate all you do.”  Tanner’s management

Sebastián Urdiales Mexico’s Newest Young Star!

Haga clic aquí para la versión Española

“I am unstoppable because if you have hope I have hope!”                                                                                                      Sebastián Urdiales

Sebastián Urdiales

In our continuing search for rising young talent from every corner of the globe we often come across talent that has already claimed great success in their part of the world, yet not found their way to international attention. It’s with great pride that we introduce for the very first time here at Rivenmaster’s Place Sebastián Urdiales.


Sebastián Urdiales Profile Shot
Thirteen Year Old Sebastián Urdiales

 Thirteen year old Sebastián Urdiales is one of the fastest growing young talents to come out of Mexico City, Mexico! Sebastián who is currently in the 7th grade is a talented young singing performer and actor. He comes with an impressive resume and growing list of experiences both on stage, screen and television.

As soon as I stumbled on his YouTube Channel I wrote to his parents for the full story behind Sebastián. I was soon in contact with his amazing family and well on the way to bringing you his story.

Sebastián was born in Mexico City on September 15th,2001 and his family consists of his Mother, Father, and older sister Olivia, who also serves as his best friend.

Since he was very young, he has had a great interest in nature and animals. His favorite hobby was to go out of town to go fishing and camping. For this reason Sebastián has developed a keen awareness of ecology and care for the environment. Sebastián also has personally rescued a number of pets including snakes, hamsters, parrots, cats, canaries, frogs, turtles, fish and dogs.

Sebastián and Sister
Sebastián and his Sister

Since 5 years old he has practiced Taekwondo and attended a number of competitions throughout his country.

In the same sports club where Sebastián practiced Taekwondo, his sister took dance classes, called Latin Rhythms. Sebastián expressed a great interest in what his sister was doing, but was too small to perform the choreography routines. However, due to his insistence to take dance classes, his Dad spoke to the teacher. The dance instructor said she would start up a sample class for a younger child in order to appease him, but when Sebastián surprised the teacher with his ability, she soon enrolled him as a dancer. He was the smallest in the class, but this fact did not seem to faze him in the slightest.

Watch SebastiánHe is the smallest boy down in front in the mask and cape.

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