Jordan Jansen captured 1st place in the WonderWorld TV Contest today at 12 Noon EST.

Jordan’s song entry “Hallelujah” finished with 134,075 (votes), 37,721 views, averaging 3.55 (votes) per view.
His picture was featured on their home page with a congratulatory banner announcing him as the September 22nd Winner.
Now Jordan Fans will be concentrating on the larger prize at Soundcheck which will be awarding $50,000 dollars to the first place winner. Jordan is currently holding on to first place by less that 100 votes in round six of the contest. There is no doubt that Jordan’s entry will make it all the way to the finals and I trust that I will be making this winning announcement come December at contest end.
Congratulations Jordan on a job well done.
Here is Jordans winning video one more time!
Je peux dir que sont tres jolie
Very fine blog and photos
Agapitos from Greece