Sam is probably one of the most well rounded teenagers that I know. He is so multi-talented that I’m not sure how everyone can keep up to all the adventures taking place in his young life!
When I was 12 the most I had going was school, paper-route, marching band, my citizens band radio hobby, and hanging out with the guys! Sam on the other hand not only finds time to juggle his school work, hobbies, outdoor activities, family, and friends, but adds to this at least two big stage musical or dramatic productions, practicing with his band, busking on almost a weekly basis, singing performances, special gig fundraisers and charity events, singing with his good friend Hannah, recording studio sessions, countless yearly repeat performances and last but not least his passion for rugby! Whew! Now I’m tired, how about you?
Sam has an extraordinary ability to adapt to any challenge giving him like his latest role for Peter Pan where he needed to learn how to Waltz. Now how many of you guys out there can do that?   With the Peter Pan rehearsals in full swing for next month’s production Sam is also rehearsing for yet another role at the same time. This week marked the beginning of rehearsals for Mac-Beth and he is very excited about his small but important role. I guess you could say this role will be the death of Sam! LOL!
All joking aside Sam is not just one or two dimensional but you could say he is universal.  An all star in just about every way! We know Sam will be knocking them dead on both the stage and with his singing career and I believe with all my heart that some day he will fulfill his dreams of playing rugby for a professional team. I’m saving my money Sam; because I want to be there the day you sing your National Anthem and kick off the ball for your team. I just hope you have the time to do all those autographs of records, pictures, rugby balls, and tee-shirts!
“Take care of not only your voice but your entire being because you will need it to accomplish the task ahead! Your one fantastic Showman, Singer, Sportsman!â€