I want to especially thank you my avid readers and supporters that have encouraged me along the journey to make this one of the best web sites promoting young unsigned performers on the web.
Today it is my happy priveledge to tell you about something new that is being offered at http://theskykid.com!
Skykid will be kicking off a new live radio broadcast beginning tomorrow afternoon.  Visit his web site HERE to find out more so you can tune in on time for this very special live broadcast!
Along with Skykid, I will be helping to bring to you some very special articles, some from my site and others by Bestpi and Skykid. You won’t want to miss this entire broadcast so get tuned in!
Here is Allan performing his new recording of “What’s Forever For” just as it will appear on Skykid very soon.
I look forward to featuring more great talent on his radio show in the future. You can count on hearing from: Thomas Hans’, Jordan Jansen, Sam Verlinden, Connor Blackley, Daves Highway, Allan Clelland-Goddard, The Wright Kids, Tallan Noble Latz and many more who are getting ready to make their debut there.
I’m looking forward to 2010, as it will be the best year yet! So don’t miss your daily, weekly or every hourly visits to this site!
I wish you all a Very Happy New Year!
Rivenmaster / Rod