Thirteen year old Dylan Cragle from Washington state is making his mark as a recording artist with his new original song “What’s Up With School” this week. While many youngsters his age are singing copycat songs in attempts to be recognized, Dylan has taken it to the next level as a song writer/performer. Working regularly with his producer Victor Holguin, Dylan is learning to exercise his unique creative talent.
Dylan began writing “What’s Up With School†about 2 months ago and I am delighted to introduce it here for the very first time.
What’s Up with School?
Dylan’s desire was to write about something that not only he could relate to, but something that all teens could identify with and enjoy. This song is quite different than his past recordings as it is upbeat, cheery, and has a very catchy beat. Like most teens, Dylan despises homework and often asks “why do I have to learn about this?†His Mom Lynn told me, that the chorus for this song just spilled out while having a conversation with her about the subject matter of the song. Once the lyrics for the chorus were in place, he thought of a melody and how he wanted the song to sound. He then took this to his producer and from that they started composing the music. Dylan then started writing the verses, the bridge, and came up with some ad libs. The song slowly developed, and what we hear today is the final results of this fantastic collaboration of creativity and effort.
Dylan is already looking foreword to writing his next song and we are very excited to see what comes next from this fantastic new young recording artist!
Don’t forget to leave your comments for Dylan, as he very much appreciates hearing from you, his fans and supporters!
Great job Dylan! Keep them coming! We all wait in anticipation to your next offering here at Rivenmaster’s Place! …..”Rivenmaster”
Thank you Mr. Johnson it worked perfectly today. I don't know…whats up with Disqus yesterday lol lol Have a fun weekend.
Hi, thank you so much for your nice comment on my singing. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Skykid.com and Rivenmaster have been very kind to me. I have 2 more originals coming very soon, I just recorded a ballad that my producer wrote and I wrote another pop song, that I will be recording next week. I hope you will enjoy then also. Thank you for reading my story and have a fun summer.
Dylan is trying to reply but having some tech issues. So I just wanted to let you know that he personally wants to thank you for your comments. I'm sure he will get his issue resolved soon and you will hear directly from him. Thanks again!
Thanks for your comments to Dylan! I know he will respond as he watches his comments very closely but I just wanted to express my gratitude for your visit to the site and thank Skykid for showing you the way! It is with great joy that I write each article about these exceptionally talented young people! Each has been a joy to get to know and promote! Dylan is most likely one of if not the most polite young men I have ever known and he continues to improve with every song he sings. He is especially talented in the regard authorship of his own songs which makes him twice the talent. I'm so happy that you enjoy what he has to offer as an upcoming musician/artist. Please visit often and thanks again!
Bless the Broken Road – performed by Dylan Cragle
The track “Bless the Broken Road†is a love ballet suited for the masses, definitely not for the realists who prefers to hear the blues. Your taste in music is sweet and romantic, a definite plus+.
I’m glad for skykid.com making it possible to discover this site, for it gave me the opportunity to know more about your talents. I see that you write your own songs, which makes it even more wonderful, because now I know that you will uplifting us even more with your beautiful music.
lol cool story man.
Thank you so much, I'm really REALLY glad you like my song. I hope you had a nice day!
There are several things I like about this article. The first one is that it makes me extremely happy to see that the young singers support each other. The second of course is the new song of Dylan – its quite different than the songs he debuted with and the vibe is quite catchy. I also think that writing and performing original songs is essential for every performer as this is what makes him/her unique. Bravo Dylan !
Thank you so much. That means a lot coming from you Arden. Your SOOOoooo talented.
Hi Dylan
We wanted to say that we love your voice and you are a great talent. Keep the songs coming . We look forward to hearing from you alot more in the future.
Cindy and Arden Reimer
UP, Dylan !!
Luccky nd succes 🙂
~ Jose
Thank you so very much. It was really fun for me to write this song. I do like to throw my own twrist into a cover song too. I'm looking forward to writting another song, as soon as I think of a topic Thank you!
Thank you so much, that is so nice of you to say. I haven't made a whole cd yet. But I do own the copyright on this song, so if we can find out how to put it on itunes or something like that we will. Mom and I are just learning this stuff. Thank you!
Thanks for the comment Chris! I really appreciate your support of the blog and all the kids! Your a great friend to both me and them!
It goes without saying that I believe in you Dylan! Keep up the great work!
Dylan, I really appreciate your music, and am especially delighted that you have written your own songs. So many others just do covers and copies of others work, so it's refreshing that you transcend them with your creativity…you're quite talented! Good luck to you, Dylan.
You are truely talented Dylan… Great voice You will go far Where could I get your cds? Keep it up
Thank you so much Mr. Johnson. You always make me sound so great!
Thank you guy's. I like getting comments from you, you guy's are awesome.
Thank you Mike. Next…..Gees! I still have to make the vid for this one.
Thanks so much for leaving your comment! Dylan is truly a very talented young man and we look forward to his next song! I am also looking forward to doing a full article for your two boys! I have been keeping up on their latest videos and all are simply wonderful! Thanks again for taking the extra time to leave your comment it means much to these very talented young men!
Congratualtions Dylan, That is a great song! and you sang it so well! Great talent! Anthony and Matthew Licursi (Licursibrosfanclub)
The feeling is mutual Mike! Dylan is a super talent and has so much going for him! His next song is already in the works I'm sure! This is one young man that will go far!
This is a great song. I love it, and I'm not even in school. LOL Dylan definitely has what it takes to have a career as a singer and songwriter. I'm really looking forward to seeing what he comes up with next.
Thanks so much for the comment! I means much to the kids to see that their hard work is being appreciated! Come back often and thanks again for taking the extra time!
great job love see the youth of today chase a dream with training disipline and sweat it is possable you done your homework keep it up be looking forward to your next