While enjoying this past season of Americas Got Talent I watched a young boy, soon to be 10 years old rock a guitar like Jimmy Hendrix reincarnated. But, due to the fact that I don’t believe in reincarnation I realized that America had just stumbled on to their next big guitar talent.
Being a Yooper, (a born resident of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan) and having Wisconsin as my second home, I was delighted to find out that this little guy was from a town that I visited on a bi-weekly basis for over a year. “Elkhorn Wisconsin! I gasped “really?” “Wow! Brett Favre move over a new Idol has been born for Wisconsin!”
Tallan Latz, who just turned 10 this past September 22nd, is probably one of the best guitar players in the United States for his age. Receiving his first musical instrument, a drum kit, at the age of three and then playing acoustic guitar at age four, now at 10, demonstrates a unique ability to play like no tomorrow. When Tallan was five, a video of Joe Satriani had a major impact on the boy and he declared “That’s what I want to do.” By the time he was eight, he had played on-stage with performers the likes of Jackson Browne and Les Paul.
According to Tallan’s Website he has been featured on:
CBS’ Rachael Ray TV Show,
WGN’s & Fox Morning Show,
CBS Early Show,
FOX News: Studio B with Shepard Smith,
The Bonnie Hunt TV Show,
NBC’s Today Show with Meredith Vieira,
NBC’s Today Show with Kathy Lee and Hoda,
Chicago’s WLS TV Morning Show,
NBC’s America’s Got Talent
and Almost Live with Johnny B
If all that was not enough, Tallan is stretching across the sea being featured on the BBC.
His story has appeared in every major newspaper, worldwide. He was even the feature story on Yahoo’s Homepage, twice!

“You see so many musicians who can play, but they don’t have the soul and the feel and you do… you got the vibe! Tallan’s got soul and he’s an extraordinary talent!” (Sharon Osbourne)
“You know you got a major career in front of you kid…You got charisma!” (David Hasselhoff)
“Tallan Latz is Amazing! He played an entire 2-hour set that included blues classics Crossroads, Sweet Home Chicago and Goin Down. Not only does Tallan play like a grizzled veteran, but he also works the crowd like a pro. Tallan Latz is the real deal and he is destined for greatness!” (Joe Heuer, The Rock and Roll Guru)
“Tallan’s not nine years old, he’s 49 years old. Did see the way he handled that guitar on stage! He’s an old man” (Lonnie Brooks)
“You are a true prodigy, and I am very proud of you; one blues wonder kid to another. You are so far ahead of me at your age it’s not funny.” (Joe Bonamassa)
“T-Man has IT, one in a million have IT and he has a ton of IT, so much at such a young age that it’s scary! Now I know the blues are in good hands! He can play with me anytime, anywhere!” (Walter Trout)
“I couldn’t believe my ears; I just wanted to stop what I was doing and listen. I asked, is that really a kid? Tallan is amazing!” (Bryan Lee)
“You passed the audition. I didn’t know what to expect but you can definitely play at my concert on
Saturday!” (Les Paul)
I could go on and on, but I don’t want to weary you before you have the opportunity to visit Tallan’s Website.
Tallan, this blog is dedicated to talented kids and finding the very best that the world can offer.
It gives me great pleasure to know that the closest thing to perfection in guitar playing, lays down to sleep every night in my neighboring state, waking up to rock the world with the wonderment of finely orchestrated music that has no match. “You, T-Man are one of a kind”.
See him on You-Tube and MySpace
Subscribe to his blog
T-Man Entertainment
Carl Latz

WOW Tallan is awesome! I discovered him here…. check this out!
T-Man is freakin' phenomenal! The kid is gonna be a star. Thanks for include my quote about him.