Thomas Hans’ Germany’s Golden Vocalist!

Just a short update today! I was informed earlier today that Jordan is back home safe and sound from his trip to Japan! I still do not have any details other than the fact that he really enjoyed riding the Bullet Train and visiting Hiroshima and of course USJ.
Jordan has hung on to the lead today but only narrowly each time I checked. As of a few moments ago he was only 35 votes in front of his number one competitor. I’m sure that Jordan was very excited when retuning home and informed that he had won the WonderWorld TV contest and was Platinum status and in 1st place at Soundcheck.
We too are very happy for your Jordan, and know that all of us are relived that you are home safe and sound.
Stay posted for more updates on Jordan’s adventures and of course get geared up for Sam Verlinden next month as we blog our way through October with everything about Sam. In case you’ve forgotten, Sam’s profile will launch here on October 1st which is his 12th birthday! Be sure you send a birthday shout out to Sam.
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