Carson Lueders, Nine Year Old Musical Marvel


Carson Lueders
Carson Lueders

Today I’m excited to introduce for the first time on this site nine year old Carson Lueders who will amaze you with his natural talent both vocally and instrumentally.

Carson began singing shortly after he started playing guitar, just after his 5th birthday. He realized that it made the song more fun to play if he sang along, and it also made his performances much more enjoyable to listen to. He was one of the only kids at his First Christmas recital to sing along while playing. His parents were pleasantly surprised to see he had good vocal pitch and tone as well as advanced guitar skills for a boy his age.  Others have described his voice as low for his age with a unique raspy sound.

What makes his talent even more amazing is that Carson seems to be the only family member with good vocal skills. His family gets the privilege of hearing him sing all day [in the house, in the car, in the stores, and even in the shower]. While you may think that his family would be annoyed, they tell me that they love his singing and are all quite envious of Carson’s musical ability. Mom stated;

Carson Lueders Guitar“If at anytime we want to get Carson to practice playing or singing one of us just has to start and he just can’t handle hearing how horrible we are so he takes over!”

Carson’s vocal range is expanding and growing daily. In fact big differences have been noticed in just the last 6 months. Mom exclaimed;

“It’s amazing that Carson was even able to sing well after having a big metal orthodontic expander bar put in the roof of his mouth. He recorded his last 4 videos with this in!” (The ortho bar has now been removed and Carson’s smile is even bigger and better!) Continue reading “Carson Lueders, Nine Year Old Musical Marvel”

The Ones That Got Away!


fishing bgSome time ago I ran a series of short sidebar weekly articles entitled “The One That Got Away”. Due to the popularity of that series and a few request for repeats, I have decided to include them in this weeks special post.  I hope you enjoy this special publication which will now be archived for your convenience.

While this blog is dedicated to featuring unsigned artists we also like to keep you informed about the young artists/idols who have recently come to international fame. When a young artist explodes to stardom before I have an opportunity to introduce them, I sometimes almost feel cheated. What I mean is, youngsters like Greyson Chance who appeared on the Ellen show the very day that I wrote to him about a special article. Or Cody Simpson who exploded so fast that I could not have caught him on a skateboard. Of course while disappointed that I never had the opportunity to do a personal introductory feature article for these boys before the magic of fame called I am honored to support them in their continual successes.



When I think of treble singers my mind begins to run long before I started this blog! Young artists like Billy Gilman who captured the heart of America with his beautiful song “One Voice”. And of course Joseph McManners who sang like an angel and in fact still has a range that exceeds most singers abilities today at his age.

But the one I want to give tribute to today has matured well beyond the treble stage but still sings with such wonder that I just can’t help but be moved by the expression in his vocals. To say I am deeply moved would not be stretching the truth. This young man is none other than Declan Gelbraith! I first heard Declan singing his song “Tell Me Why” on the Des O’Connor talk show and he blew me away with his performance. He was backed up by a children’s choir and the song had such deep meaning that I had a hard time not becoming emotional. I am a person who enjoys music but music with a message like Declan’s song demonstrated that this young artist was not just a good singer he had something to say! Continue reading “The Ones That Got Away!”