Ky Baldwin – Character and Charisma!

“Character first – talent second.”   Ky Baldwin

ky-baldwinSinger, songwriter, musician and dancer with a charismatic personality and a big heart: it is our honour and a delight to feature Sydney, Australia’s Ky Baldwin!






Ky began his career as a dancer and it wasn’t until he reached 10-years-old that he started his first singing lessons. His teacher had him singing Michael Jackson who quickly became his biggest influence.

I asked Ky to describe his music:

“My music is pop – Tweeny pop if I were to be honest. But my latest song Lara is heading more towards radio Pop and would attract an older teenage audience. I do love all kinds of music though but I’m very Top 40 influenced in terms of my melodies. I write all my own music. I have 6 originals. I’d love to collaborate with others in the future.”

In 2011, Ky was a semi finalist on Australia’s Got Talent with his tap dancing abilities and he participated on The Voice Kids in 2014. Ky has performed in several musicals, such as “Love Never Dies”, “Under Milk Wood” and “Mary Poppins”, and has done TV commercials and films.

In October of last year Ky released his first EP  “The Beginning” with 4 original songs and 3 cover songs and he has since been producing a steady stream of songs and music videos. His latest original is a quirky, catchy collaboration with some other young stars Jamie Cumberlidge, Fletcher Pilon and Balin Rowley.



Ky has an infectious energy and enthusiasm and, as a result, his music and videos are guaranteed to put a smile on your face. One of his music videos is chasing 12 million views! Check them all out on his

YouTube Channel

opera-houseKy remains irrepressibly positive in his outlook though he is only too aware of the struggles and challenges of trying to make a career in the creative arts. I always make a point of emphasising how difficult it can be for young people starting out, especially boys, and I feel it is important to tell the whole truth – it’s not all fun and games! The internet has brought untold opportunities for good but also much potential for harm.

I asked Ky if he had ever had a major struggle or barrier to his career. I want to include a good amount of his response here. I do hope a time will come in the future when I stop hearing these stories, but until that day comes I believe it is so very important to keep raising awareness:

“I am physically very small with a high voice so get a bit of negativity about that and sometimes it is hard to be taken very seriously but it doesn’t bother me at all. I think it’s kind of silly that people judge a person on that and I actually quite like it.

I have had girls as young as 8 tell me they hate me when of course they don’t know me. I have been told I’m gay because my voice hasn’t dropped yet. It’s water off a ducks back to me, it actually just highlights their character, but I can’t help but think that this bullying online is becoming so common place that it has to leak out into the real world. I have girls all the time contact me that they are bullied and it’s so sad. I’d love us all to stop and think – is that really the person you want to be.”

Ky describes his guitar as his ‘best friend’ and it is where he turns to come up with his original melodies. Like most creatives, says that composing music gives him a real ‘buzz’. Sometimes the most creative minds are very introverted and find it hard to express how much their art means to them. Artists like Ky are a refreshing contrast: their delight in what they do is very evident when they perform!

benWith a rising star like Ky, there is huge potential to make a positive influence on other young people. It fills me with hope and excitement for the future when I see youngsters as talented as Ky adopting such a mature and compassionate nature. I asked Ky for his advice to other young people hoping to achieve their dreams and I would endorse his conclusions 100%! If only everyone in the music industry followed these guidelines, the music would all be phenomenal and the industry would be a much more positive environment:

 – My first advice is what my mum instills in myself and my sister often. Character first – talent second.
 – The second is no good to the world if the first is not achieved. The second thing is work hard and be confident and enjoy the journey.
 – The third thing which is equally as important is to get the right people to teach you and to be around you and never stop learning.

It must be acknowledged that, for a young artist, the parents and family around them are incredibly important. So many parents I know sacrifice so much to see their children fulfil their potential. Many choose to homeschool, use most of their income and savings, and sacrifice their own hopes and dreams for the sake of their children. Ky’s family is clearly one of these and it is wonderful that, even at a young age, he is very aware of this and chooses to acknowledge it:

“My family is my greatest strength, no doubt. They are my team and you are only as good as the team you have with you.”

Starlight Children's Foundation Annual Star Ball Charity Fund Raiser. Masquerade Ball
Starlight Children’s Foundation Annual Star Ball Charity Fund Raiser. Masquerade Ball

Ky’s dream is to be a touring artist. His first goal is to get one of his songs on the radio. He would like to write with Max Martin and to play with Taylor Swift. Taylor is another big influence on Ky and he emphasises that it is not only her song writing but her character that inspires him. If he is successful in his first goal, Ky would like to use that success to help the fight against homelessness and against bullying.

I asked Ky how we can best help and support him:

“I guess the best way that your readers can help me is to take a look at what I have. If you like it, share it, comment on it, buy it.”

Here are the links to his social media:

Starlight Children's Foundation Annual Star Ball Charity Fund Raiser. Masquerade Ball
Starlight Children’s Foundation Annual Star Ball Charity Fund Raiser. Masquerade Ball


And finally, Ky would like to thank some people!

“There are so many people I need to thank and the list keeps growing. Aside from the obvious, my mum, I always come back to Dein Perry and the Tap Pups for instilling the love of dance, Marianne Howard for planting the seed for performing and Robert RAab Stevenson who taught me how to sing. When I came to him 3½ years ago I couldn’t sing at all but wanted to. He could see I was willing to work hard and took me on as one of his students and his teaching is phenomenal. I now have lessons with his business partner, Mindy Pack who can solve any singing problem immediately. These two teachers I owe everything to. And most importantly – they always make it fun and it’s my favourite hour of the week.”

Will B Whitesell, Actor, Singer, Musician, Rising Star!


“With hard work and believing you can live your dream.”    Will B Whitesell 


Will B Whitesell
Will B Whitesell

Twelve year old William Brandon Whitesell or better known as “Will B” was born August 18, 2002 in Las Vegas, NV.   He goes by Will B, his middle name; because he says the “B” is for BELIEVE! 

Will is one of 5 children in the family but the only one who is into the music world. “He has been since he was 2”, says his Mother Tammy. “We noticed Will would sing songs all day long and change the words to what it sounded like. Everywhere we would go Will would attract attention.” 

When Will was 12 months old he was entered into a baby pageant and won almost every category. His family didn’t take it too seriously, because to them he was special no matter what, but it seemed others could see it from the moment they met him. Will just seems to have a special charm that brings out the best in others, generating smiles and laughter, making this one of his greatest attributes. 

Will B Whitesell swing 2015
Will B Whitesell

His parents shared, that when Will was 8 they enrolled him in a few acting lessons because he was so funny and loved to entertain. The instructors asked if Will could sing and they said a little, like any other 8 year old. So he sang for them and they thought it was cute. A little over a year later they asked him to sing in front of a showcase. Will said ok and told them he wanted to sing Adelle. They said no, that he couldn’t do that, but he insisted. Little did they know he had been listening to Adelle all day every day and had been studying her. “Will came out and sang and everyone was blown away, especially us”, said his Mom. “We didn’t know he had taught himself to sing! It was amazing.”

Will despises Bullying! Because of that, he started anti-bullying events in schools and local radio stations. “Will wants a world of peace and love”, says is Mom. “He is known to be a hugging machine, hugging everyone he meets! He is a very lovable young man.” 


At 10 years old Will was called on to audition for a Musical. His parents were a bit reluctant because Will hadn’t had much experience in musical stage performance, but decided to go anyway. To their delight the audition was a complete success with them loving Will! While they still had auditions to do in LA and NY they told Will’s parents that they would let them know. A short time later they officially awarded Will a placement in the cast for an 11 month tour of the United States. Knowing what a great adventure it would be they accepted the appointment and with great anticipation got ready for the tour. 

“It was a big decision for us”, said his parents, “Will loved school and was an A – B honor roll student all through school, and this would mean being away from school and his friends and family. But in spite of that, Will wanted to do it. A private teacher was assigned to travel with them helping Will to keep his grades up. Will worked 6 days a week usually traveling on the 7th day, and did school 4 days a week for 11 months. “He loved it and never complained”, said Mom. 

Will B Whitesell water 2015

When Will completed the tour he did 2 movies, both bully movies, one where he played the part of a bully and the other where he gets bullied. I’m told they should be out late 2015. 

Will has done two commercials and a web series. He takes his craft very seriously taking acting classes and vocal lessons. In addition he is also now enrolled in dance lessons. He is currently home schooled through Connections Academy and doing extremely well. He’s been very busy touring with JoJo Siwa from dance moms and with Kidz Bop. 


Will is currently recording his own EP which will have 5 new songs, 4 covers, and 1 original that he helped write, “I Will B Yours”.


Will sings all day long, it’s in his heart. He’s learning Guitar and Ukulele and also enjoys playing the keyboard and piano. If that’s not enough, he wants to add drums to his many musical talents. 

When it comes to acting, Will is amazing! He writes his own scripts often in class. His class mates are so impressed they ask him to write some for them too. Like all preteens Will can’t wait till August when he turns 13!  A legit Teenager! 

Will is great when it comes to social skills. The younger ones look up to him and the older ones enjoy hanging out with him. Will has a very positive outlook on life and brings that same energy everywhere he goes, providing encouragement and showing love and support to everyone. Will simply loves everyone and somehow always finds the good in everything and everyone. His Mom told him that he was a combination of Bob Hope, Jim Carrey, and Sam Smith! (The heart and brain of Bob Hope, the comedy of Jim Carrey and the voice of Sam Smith!) 


Will B Whitesell 2015
Will B Whitesell

Will spends most of the day on something related to his dream. He writes short screenplays and creates short films cutting and editing them on his Apple Computer at home. Will loves Apple products.

While most kids are playing video games, not Will, he is in his room creating something to do with either music or movies!  

On a personal side, Will is a vegetarian. He loves animals and hates the thought of what happens to them. He is very conscientious about what he eats. A very healthy, smart kid who is into Chia, Flax, Almond milk, all kinds of healthy choices and in addition loves to cook his own creations.

Will’s hobbies usually have something to do with his Dream. He makes music, creates movies, attends shows or movies and is constantly learning from others. Outside of his career pursuits Will enjoys swimming, hiking, and spending time with his best friend and Buddy his dog! He is happy just hanging out with all his friends. 

His mentors in life are Billy Hufsey, his acting coach and Steven Ventic his music producer. 

He loves them both and is blessed to have them in his life. 

Will works very hard on fulfilling his dream to become a professional singer and actor and along the way wants to inspire other kids to follow their dreams.

After Fox 5 News saw Will perform live at the Silverton Casino, they featured him on their program saying, “Watch this kid! He’s going to be a singing sensation.”


For More About Will B Visit: