Over the last two weeks I did some amazing traveling from Michigan all the way down to Houston, Texas where I met two young bass players Tommy Freeman and Michael Thompson. (See Recent Article)
We left Texas and traveled the Gulf States of Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi, stopping along the way to enjoy some sites.

We enjoyed a short visit to Baton Rouge touring a River Boat and then again in Orange Beach, Alabama visiting a friend. We were taken back by the beautiful area with a white sandy beach that lined the shoreline for miles. I don’t think I have ever seen such beautiful white sand! While it was very warm and humid, it was well worth the stop to enjoy this area of the country!
Leaving Alabama I was soon sitting at the tip of Florida, trying to decide which way to go. Having several young artists who are regularly featured on my site residing in Florida, I quickly decided to go further south taking an 11 hour trip down to the Jacksonville and Orlando Area.
While I wish I would have had more time, and been able to see everyone I know in Florida, I was happy to be able to visit with two very talented young men and their families. Allan Clelland-Goddard, and Connor Timothy Blackley.

My first visit was to the home of Allan Clelland-Goddard where we were treated to a wonderful visit to their home and a backyard BBQ. Not only was their home beautiful but the hospitality shown to me was incredible and will never be forgotten.
Visiting with Allan was especially enjoyable as we were able to sit down together in his living room and do an exclusive interview with him which we are happy to now share with all of you.
Please be sure to leave comments below using the Disqus Comment Section and also visit:
- Allan’s New Website
- YouTube Site and his
- Facebook Fan Page where you can learn more about him and his very unique musical style.


After our visit at the Goddard home we ventured back north up to Jacksonville where we were hoping to meet with Connor Blackley and his family! The closer we got to Jacksonville the more treacherous the drive became due to a strong thunderstorm that quickly arose off the ocean.   We had to pull over once, due to being blinded by the rain which was coming down so hard it made it impossible to see.
At one point, while talking with the Blackley’s on the phone, a lightning bolt struck and actually blew out the phone call. Not only did I lose the call, it actually turned the phone off!…. Whew! Talk about a high voltage phone conversation. LOL!
I so much appreciate the Blackley’s braving the storm and driving to the Cracker Barrel Restaurant which was near the interstate to meet us.

Connor was already seated with his parents at the table when we arrived. It was so nice to be able to sit and enjoy a wonderful conversation with both Connor’s Mom and Dad and of course with Connor and his friend who had joined them.
While time did not permit an actual interview I asked Conner about his recent adventures with his music and a little about his experience with X-Factor. (See Recent Article) He reiterated what a wonderful experience it was to be able to get so far in the audition process and he was very encouraged to keep going with his career in music. Connor told me that his focus right now is on making more recordings and putting together his first CD which he is very anxious to create.
Connors voice has really changed since I first met him and started featuring him on this site. While Connor was never really a Treble, his voice has really deepened and become very full and mature sounding!
“If you have not heard Connor sing lately, get ready to be amazed at Connor’s rich new sound!”
[ti_audio name=”Connor Blackley New 2011″]
To learn more about Connor and get free downloads of his cover songs, vist him on his:
“I wish to especially thank Allan’s Mom and Dad for their wonderful hospitality shown me in their home and for the great time of fellowship and kindness shown to me by the Blackley’s meeting us and treating us to a great time at the Cracker Barrel in Jacksonvilleâ€.
The advantages of leaving in the US – having the opportunity to meet the young talents in person. These days I have been listening a lot to the new songs of Connor and the words fail me to express how impressed I am with his voice – not a treble anymore , yet well developed and a plesure to listen to.
Great interview with Alan – it looked really , really profesional and that song he sang in acapela – Wow !