Jordan Jansen Update

All this month we have been keeping you updated on Jordan. He is holding his own in the contest but continues to need your support by voting daily.
The contest has entered the 4th round. Jordan started in 5th place after only about 24 hours of voting. As of 9:27 EST Jordan has climbed to 2nd place. Your votes are important so VOTE 5 points and vote daily! Let’s keep Jordan on top where he belongs!
Jordan is preparing for his trip to Japan. We hope that he shares some of his adventures with us so we can relate them to you here. Watch next week for another update.

It gives me great pleasure to announce next month’s feature star. He is New Zealand born Sam Verlinden. Sam has been  singing almost before he walked. His talent has been recognized by thousands and he is truly a remarkable young talent. Be watching for Sam’s debut here on Rivenmaster’s Place, as we join countless others who have shouted the praises of New Zealand’s shining new STAR.
Sam has his own Web site . Please visit there and spend time looking over his wealth of musical and acting history.
I’m not sure that one month will be long enough to blog this extraordinary young man!