“Acting is Cool cause you get to be someone else every timeâ€.
                                                                              ( Christian Traeumer )

Eleven year old actor Christian Traeumer of Los Angeles may not be 6 feet tall yet, but this young talented actor has a tall litany of credits already stacked up in his young career.
My good friend Uwe Haase, Talent Agent from proXauf – DIE AGENTURU, from Berlin, Germany introduced me to Christian and his wonderful mother only last week. I was so impressed with young Christian’s accomplishments and his magnetic personality that I just had to share his story with the world!
You could say that Christian was born to be an actor. He began preparing for his speaking roles by starting to speak at just 9 months and reading by the young age of 3.
By 17 months Christian was already on stage at a Hawaiian Tropic baby pageant where he won the title and was soon approached by Generations Model and Talent in San Francisco. Christians modeling career began right then and there, he auditioned and landed his first modeling job in a Mervyns store flyer. Macys, Tom Tailor, Phonak, Small World Toys and many more.
At the age of 29 months Christian participated in a Hollywood Star competition where he went as John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. (SEE PICTURE OF CHRISTIAN TRAVOLTA) Christian surpassed 38 boys and amazed the crowd with what he had learned to show them on the stage. At this moment his mother knew he was going to be more than a model.
When Christian was Four ,he entered a talent contest and won his division singing “Hero†by Enrique Iglesiasâ€, then after modeling in San Francisco for 2 years,  he and his Mom moved from San Jose, to Los Angeles to pursue Christian’s career in acting.
By the time Christian was Six he landed his first commercial for a Texas Clothing Store, and also a promotional spot at the end of the “Disney Tinkerbell Movie†called “Tinkerbell Everwonderâ€
Three years later, Christian landed his role as Tommy Reyes in the short film “Redemption†and then was on his way to working on shorts (“Walterâ€, “Twitchâ€, “It Can Be Arrangedâ€, “The Activistâ€, and “App to The Futureâ€), television (“Dad Campâ€, “Kidnap and Rescueâ€, and “Your Kid Ate What?â€) commercials include, ( Big Lots, Epson Printers, and Toy Story Mania for the Wii) Many of these snippets can be seen on Christian’s YouTube Channel.
Christian also did Shakespear at 9 and 10 for the Botanical In Sherman Oaks, where he was awarded the lead roles as “Petruccio “in the Taming OF the Shrew and “Seaward “ in Mac Beth.
If all this is not enough to do in a life time, Christian kept the momentum going and at the age of 10 landed his first feature “Bless Me Ultima†where he played the character “Bones†friend of the lead “Antonioâ€. Bless Me Ultima, was written by Rudolpho Anaya and has sold over a million copies of his number one best seller. The story takes place in the 1940s and it a coming of age film that focuses on the trials and tribulations of having faith when you feel you have lost all faith.
Six months later Christian was chosen to play the lead role of Simon Sachs in the movie        “The Child†a number one best selling book by the author Sebastian Fitzek,about  a terminally ill brain tumor patient who undergoes a past life regression session and when awoken believes he was a serial killer in a past life. Christian stars across from Eric Roberts an attorney who because of ulterior motives takes the kids case after Simon leads him to the murdered victims, the catch is the murders are 15 years old and Simon is only 10. The story goes on to uncover if Simon is reincarnated or if there is another explanation.
Christian has studied at the California State University Los Angeles Conservatory of Fine Arts,where he took drama and Jazz dance. Christian has  taken a commercial workshop and studied at the West End Acting Studio with David Wells for Scene interpretation.
When I met Christian, I asked him if he was willing to do a special interview creating a video introduction exclusively for this site. I’m so pleased that he took the time to introduce himself to all of you and tell you a little more about himself , his recent experiences on the set of his recent film ,and a little about his aspirations for the future. While I thought the questions were many and quite challenging for an eleven year old, Christian blew me away with his video response. Enjoy this exceptional young actor personality here and be sure you leave a comment at the end of this article visiting every link listed below!

Aside from acting Christian takes martial arts at XMA with Mike Chat the Original Blue Power Ranger as his coach and also participates in Acrobat training where he has just mastered the back handspring. He is extremely talented at Hula Hooping and can do many tricks.
Other interests of Christians include Gem collecting, money from other countries, and Paleontology (the study of prehistoric life, including organisms’ evolution and interactions with each other and their environments.)
One of his favorite things to do is look for seashells on the beach and play xbox live with his friends around the country. Some of Christians favorite books are “The Zombie Survival Guide “by Max Brooks, “It’s Awesomeâ€, and especially enjoys “The Warrior Cat†books.
Musical interests include his strong desire to have a set of drums.  He believes that if he had a set that he would be an awesome drummer. (Why not?  He has more than proven his ability to do everything else!) His favorite songs are “The Trees†By Rush and “Psycho Killer†by the Talking Heads.
Christian loves snorkeling in Spain, swimming in any ocean, sightseeing in Germany, and hiking the Pueblos of New Mexico. He also enjoys to snow ski and tobaggen in Lake Tahoe and kayaking in Huntington Lake. Like most eleven year old boys he loves camping and just having fun.
Christian really enjoys scary rides such as rollercoaster’s, and recently did a slingshot ride in Ibiza, Spain where he was launched 365 feet into the air in a chair, like a reverse bungee.
He lists his favorite movie as King Kong, even though he hated the big spiders, he cried when he first saw King Kong shot down. His favorite foods are Sushi, Currywurst, Nutella, and favorite drink is orange juice mixed with coke. Although that is only for special occasions.
With relationship to animals, Christian is a cat lover possessing a natural quality to make most Ferrell cats come closer for a pet. His pets include a white and black 5 year old cat named Gracie, and two annoying dogs Cracker and Rosie. Â (Christian is more of a cat man).
If you have not been convinced of Christian’s maturity level yet ,you will be interested to know that he is also a health activist. In his spare time Christian does blog talk radio shows speaking out against genetically modified foods and the Monsanto Corporation, as he believes today’s processed food is rotten and not good for anyone. Christian does not eat fast food and recommends that others follow in his footsteps.   No Happy Meals for Christian!
Christian claims to have fallen in love with Germany while he was there shooting his last movie “The Childâ€, and is now in the process of learning German so that when he returns to Berlin he can speak to his audience in their own language.
To put it simply, Christian loves acting. As he puts it in his own words, “It’s cool cause you get to be someone else every timeâ€. This love has given Christian a determination to make a name for himself in the acting community and believes he will be a big star one day.
There is no doubt in my mind that Christian is already a Big Star! The exuberance he shows both on screen and off, the personality plus he exhibits, his sense of humor that keeps everyone laughing around him, and his gentle child like spirit that shows through his rugged, rough, boy actions. All these things and more make Christian Traeumer not just a rising star of the future but a very present force in the acting community!

Congratulations Christian on your most recent appointment to another film! We will save that announcement and excitement for our next big update! Keep up the great work! We are all proud of your accomplishments and big fans. You can be sure we are very anxious to see your new movie and hope it will be released here in the US very soon!
To learn more about Christian you can visit:
Very interesting child!
Thanks Uwe for introducing me to him! I so much enjoyed learning about Christian! You can rest assured I will be watching his career closely! He is an admirable young actor and I’m looking forward to hearing about his most recent appointment!
great article, well written and nice video 🙂