Good Luck Jordan!!!!
From the first song I heard Jordan Jansen sing I was convinced he was a future star! What I could not predict what how soon! Jordan has increased his fan base 100 times over since I was first introduced to him! In fact Jordan Jansen is what inspired this blog to be born! If you like what you find on this blog write Jordan Jansen and thank him for the true inspiration he is not only to his fans but to supporters like myself!
Good Luck Jordan!!!!
Jordan Jansen is a natural star! His voice is truly Angelic!
Hi Guys,
Here’s a new song – Hallelujah, I hope you like it, I honestly think this is one of the best I’ve done yet so look forward to hearing your comments.
I am currently in a Music Contest here in Australia and could do with all the votes I can get to help keep me in first place and the chance to win $50,000, to vote click the following link, you can vote once a day only and I’d really appreciate the support.
You Guys ROCK!!
You can also visit Jordan on Myspace
Jordan’s Official Website:
Or see his Twitter Site:
Jordan’s Twitter Site
Thanks, Now go to the voting page and slap a big number 5 for Excellent on his chart to drive him over the top. Please vote every day as your votes are counted and tabulated daily.