“I hope to be a positive influence and role model to others through my music and my actions.”

It’s been a big year of growth for Carson Lueders and his music since first appearing here on Rivenmaster’s Place. Carson’s fan base has exploded and is reaching around the globe. His YouTube channel continues to gain new subscribers daily and his fan base is now made up from faithful Carson Lueders fans from 109 different countries! (There are 196 total countries so that’s over ½ the world watching Carson’s videos) It took about 3 years to get his 1st million YouTube views but only 3 months to get his 2nd million!!! Now he has gone over the 3 million mark averaging 10-20K views a day.
Because Carson is so young, having just turned 11, he seems to be standing out and separating himself from the pack of older teen boys that are competing in the saturated music market.  He is constantly being compared to other boys in the industry and often being called the next Justin Bieber, little Cody Simpson, or baby Niall Horan. But many of his fans assure him he is not the next of anything but the FIRST & ONLY Carson! Everyday fans send him words of encouragement, compliments and even marriage proposals. Carson appreciates it all, including all the fan videos and picture collages.
Carson has been playing and performing since age five. He has been a guest on local radio since age six, and has been featured on the local news throughout the years. At just the age of nine he also won a national songwriting contest.
Although he started out playing mostly country music, Carson is now leaning more towards pop music. Some have even said that Carson could be a cross over artist like Taylor Swift.
His Mother exclaimed;
“It’s been a great honor for many artists to acknowledge and complement Carson on the covers songs he has done. Some artists including Keith Urban, Aaron Carter and Australian teen Cody Simpson have even helped to promote Carson’s music through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.â€
I asked Carson if he would do an exclusive interview for this article and I’m pleased that he took the time to do so. The following is an excerpt from that interview:

Rivenmaster:    You have written many songs.. Do you have a favorite? Also you have a new single out, what inspired that song and will it be featured on a CD in the future?
Carson:            I am currently working with Multi-Platinum Record Producer /Songwriter Andrew Lane who has worked with many great artists including Miley Cirus, Mary J. Blige and the Backstreet Boys. He’s produced hits on Disneymania and Disney movie soundtrack High School Musical and Hanna Montana.  I just finished recording one pop song in the studio with Lane and will be returning to LA to record more this fall. My new single is a catchy tune that is sure to get stuck in your head. I hope to hear it playing on Radio Disney in a few months.
His mother added:
“The producers were very impressed with Carson’s talent level, studio experience and great personality. And even though Carson is only 11, they feel he is ready to enter the music industry and that there is a market for his music. Carson’s song will be available on iTunes in the near future. He looks forward to working on a CD this coming year.â€

Rivenmaster:Â Â Â Â Have you had any major appearances which were especially notable?
Carson:               I was a finalist in Spokane’s Got Talent show this past year and this spring I auditioned for America’s Got Talent. This is the 3rd year trying out and I almost made it with a “YES†to the San Francisco celebrity judge show! A producer was assigned to me along with camera interview time and everything, but then I was cut just a few days before the show due to overbooking.  The producer told me that I should feel pretty good about the whole experience because over 10,000 people audition each season and only 300 were chosen. I wasn’t too upset because we believe everything happens for a reason.  Maybe it just wasn’t my time or it wasn’t the route I was supposed to take. All in God’s timing.
Rivenmaster:   Where do you think your musical talent comes from? Are your parents also musically inclined?

Carson:               I get asked this question a lot. I would definitely say my musical talent is a gift from the Lord since no one else in the family can sing!  It seems like music was always just in me. My parents recognized this at an early age and signed me up for guitar and vocal lessons right after I turned five.
Rivenmaster:Â Â Â Â Â What instruments do you play beside guitar?
Carson:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I play a little piano and drums, but mostly just guitar. Â I had fun playing the saxophone in school band this past year. Â My parents say I pick up learning new instruments quickly.
Rivenmaster:     Your brother is also quite talented. I saw him playing drums and he was very good. Does he also play other instruments?
Carson:          Yes Jackson just kills it on the drums. He played saxophone too. He has such great rhythm and can learn new songs really fast. All the fans want to hear him sing in the videos too but I’m not sure that’s his thing.
Rivenmaster:Â Â Â Â Out of all of your performances, which would you say is your all time favorite?
Carson:         My most favorite event was the 2011 AMA National Pro Motocross Race in Washougal, WA.  I sang my original song “Motocross High†at the opening ceremony for about 20,000 people. Another memorable performance was when I played for a charity event called Blessings Under the Bridge. This event provided food, clothing, haircuts and other supplies for homeless people.  I played some songs under the actual bridge where many of the homeless people really do sleep. It felt good to put a smile on their faces.
Rivenmaster:Â Â Â Â Â Who is your favorite performing artist?
Carson:           Keith Urban remains one of my most favorite artists. He was my inspiration for learning to play guitar at age 5. It was such an honor to have him comment on my “For You†cover video and post it on his Facebook and twitter. We got 50K YouTube views in one day from that. I’ve been playing more pop music than country these days, but I still think Keith’s music is awesome!
Rivenmaster:Â Â Â Â Â If you could play and perform with anyone who would that be?
Carson:          It would be super cool to share the stage with Keith Urban or Adam Lavine.  I also wouldn’t mind being an opening act for Taylor Swift someday too.
Rivenmaster:     Do you enjoy school?  What are your favorite subjects?
Carson:           Yes, I like school. My best subject is reading, worst is social studies, and favorite is P.E. and band. I am going to try home schooling this year to have more time to work on my music and for traveling when I record. This makes my mom really nervous. She does not want to be my manager, teacher and mom all at once.
Rivenmaster:Â Â Â Â I know you ride motocross, but what else do you enjoy doing when not singing or writing music?
Carson:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â My brother and I continue to race motocross, and this summer has been a blast. Our family does all sorts of water sports on the lake (water-ski, jet ski, wakeboard, knee board, tube and even parasail). Â I love to play basketball, ride my bike, scooter, and jump and do flips on the trampoline. My brother and I also just learned how to ride a unicycle!
Rivenmaster:     You have a big support team in your family that supports your dreams. Do you have any other people that you would like to mention that help you on a daily or weekly basis with your musical career?
Carson:          Yes, my family is a big support, and I’m very thankful for the musical instruments and equipment that they have provided for me. I’m also thankful that they take me to all my music lessons and the recording studio. I have the best guitar teacher and vocal coach! My brother and sister are very supportive and now have their own fans and followers too.
If it weren’t for my great supporters, I wouldn’t be where I am today! I really do have the best fans!!! They are always encouraging me to keep going! I have some diehard fans that tell me they watch my videos every day.  I don’t have too many haters, but that’s ok if not everyone likes my music. It’s hard to believe that I am an inspiration to people around the world. I hope to be a positive influence and role model to others through my music and my actions.
To learn more about Carson Lueders: